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一名小孩受到友军枪击?A child shot in a friendly-fire incident?

赋予友军单位纳垢的祝福。Bestow the blessings of Nurgle on an allied unit.

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帕特·提尔曼在阿富汗意外地被友军误杀。He was killed in a friendly fire incident in Afghanistan.

葛克怒吼以激励友军单位并惊吓敌军单位。Gerk roars to excite the friendly units and scare enemy units.

盟军一栏会描述这个事件是否有友军和环境因素。Affiliation describes if the event was of friendly or enemy nature.

在伊拉克战中中还有过几次类似的友军自袭事件。There have been several previous fragging incidents in the Iraq war.

在友军的帮助下,我们又夺回了前沿阵地。Our forward position was recaptured with the aid of the friendly forces.

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他说起义军欢迎外国友军训练起义军的战士们。He said the opposition was open to foreign troops training rebel fighters.

将你的英雄传送至友军小兵或炮塔前,需要4秒吟唱时间。After 4 seconds, teleports your champion to target friendly minion or turret.

这名前NFL球员在阿富汗执行任务时死于友军枪火之下。The former NFL player was killed by friendly fire while on duty in Afghanistan.

唯一比敌人火力还精确的是友军打过来的炮火。The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire.

同时,如果受到激励的友军杀死一个敌人,会触发你全部的必杀技。Also, if a motivated ally kills an enemy, it triggers all of your on kill skills.

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试验级单位也会排除友军在一边然后找到一条路穿过去。Experimentals will also easily push allied units aside for a clear path through them.

对雕文释放,增加站在雕文上的友军的异常状态抗性。It also allows the activation of a Glyph that increases allies' resistance to states.

不过,胜利号的无线电被打坏了,没有办法告知他们是友军。The radio being broken on the Victory, there had been no way to warn of their arrival.

BlueGate从而进一步减少对友军飞机或船舶误伤的可能性。BlueGate thus further minimises the possibility of friendly fire on an aircraft or a ship.

林奇女士受伤后被伊拉克军方俘虏,而蒂尔曼则是死在友军的炮火之下。Ms Lynch was injured and captured by Iraqi forces, and Tillman was killed by friendly fire.

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对雕文释放,防止站在雕文上的友军的受到推拉等位移效果影像。It also allows the activation of a Glyph that will prevent allies from being pushed or pulled.

戴在头上的显示能让战士们看到友军战士的各个位置,就像玩计算机游戏那样。Head-mounted displays could show soldiers the locations of friendly forces, as in a video game.

伊甸民短暂地将一个友军单位包裹在不可侵犯的圣光核球内。Edain sheaths a friendly unit in an invulnerability globe of sacred light for a very short time.