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今天是婚礼,家门庭若市,来往宾客络绎不绝。Today is his wedding. Many people are streaming to his house.

哦,这里真是门庭若市啊!见到大家真是太高兴了!Oh, it's kind of a full house here. I'm so glad to see you guys here!

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所以,他的早点店每天早上门庭若市,有的人甚至多跑一二条街也要来这儿用餐、化妆。Some came here for breakfast as well as making up despite an extra walk of one or two streets long.

在不同的区域,都有漂亮的公园和户外咖啡馆,终年门庭若市。The different districts also offer beautiful parks and outdoor cafes that are buzzing all year long.

门庭若市之后,可能会门可罗雀。宾馆附设的酒吧最靠得住,可是要论“开心乐翻天”,非“酒吧周冠军”莫属!The most reliable are those in hotels but the flavour-of-the-week places can generate the most high-rolling fun.

自200多年前开业以来,杜莎夫人蜡像馆一直门庭若市,吸引了数以百万计的游客。Madame Tussauds Wax Museum has been crowded with guests for 200 years since its opening, attracting millions of tourists.

泰特现代博物馆由于不收门票,总是门庭若市,白天常常挤满了来做“田野考察”的学童。Crowdsat the no-entrance-fee Tate Modern are always enormous, and during the dayfilled with young children on school trips.

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组织这些讲座或论坛者门庭若市,可我们发现,聆听了这些理论研讨后,并未受益。These seminars or forums of expression organizations, we found that listening to these theoretical discussions, did not benefit.

这种现象一度造成了秀客天天门庭若市,许多大学生专程做车前来理发。This phenomenon created a show once every day, crowds of passengers, and many collage students came here to do hairdressing by car.

业务处室都反映,以前各处室门庭若市忙审批,现在可以静下心来谋大事,这是一场真正的效能革命。Business offices are reflected in previous offices and restaurants busy, can now start their event, this is a real revolution effectiveness.

即便目前经济低迷,许多足浴中心仍是门庭若市,华洋共享。Even in an economy suffering severe economic pain, many foot massage centers are still bustling with customers, both Chinese and foreigners.

作为首先倡导这种居家设计新概念的白云高尔夫花园,其售楼部日前更是门庭若市,参观者络绎不绝。As a first initiative of this new concept of home design Baiyun golf Garden, the sales department is certainly more recently, visitors flooded.

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住房振兴了经济,筹得了子女们的教育资金,大游轮、高尔夫球场、饭店餐厅等诸多场所可谓是门庭若市,一片繁荣。It powered the economy, paying for the education of children and grandchildren, keeping the cruise ships and golf courses full and the restaurants humming.

有时你能靠常规战术和计谋应付过去,然而高质量的女人常常门庭若市,因此培养令她心动的生活方式对于男人异常重要。You can get by for a while on routines and tactics, but higher-quality women are has a lot going for him, and creating an exciting lifestyle is an important part of this.

否则每天门庭若市,请他卜卦、开气、治病、祝祷的人一大堆,而他的财富满坑满谷,他哪里还能静下心来修行。Otherwise, he will receive a lot of visitors who will ask him to tell future, or start Qi, or cure disease, or pray for them. He will become rich, but he can't calm down to practice.

否则每天门庭若市,请你卜卦、开气、治病、祝祷的人一大堆,而你的财富满坑满谷,你哪里还能静下心来修行。Otherwise, you will receive a lot of visitors who will ask you to tell future, or start Qi, or cure disease, or pray for them. You will become rich, but you can't calm down to practice.

虽然京城宾馆饭店林立,但众多的拖家带口的“自助式”游客自然消费不起,这使得一夜几十元钱的家庭式旅馆家家门庭若市,应接不暇。Although Beijing hotels, buildings, but many home-mouth on the "self-help" visitors can naturally consumption, which makes night dozens yuan family-style hotel each family visitors, too.

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小镇的中医门诊基本上门庭若市,偶尔空闲的时候,他们也会聊聊天,或者干脆望望外面打发时间。Basically, the Chinese medicine out-patient in town is always full of patients. Occasionally when they can take a break, they will chat or just stay there and look outside to kill the time.

特别是非典过后,大量的商务客人纷至沓来,使上海的酒店客房率一路上扬,浦东房地产业又恢复了门庭若市、买卖两旺的繁荣景象。Especially after SARS, a large number of business visitors stream in, the hotel occupancy rate has continued to rise in Shanghai, the Pudong business resumed customers, the sale of steel prosperity.