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是电视机出毛病了还是摄影机有问题?Is it the TV or the video camera?

洗衣机又出毛病了。The washing machine has gone phut.

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那台旧机器又出毛病了!The old machine has kicked off again!

能出毛病的地方太多了。There is just so much that can go wrong.

怎么回事?哪里出毛病了?What’s wrong? What exactly is the problem?

人若爱找茬儿,天堂也能被他挑出毛病。The fault-finder will faults even in paradise.

我的车快不行了――总是出毛病。My car is on its last legs-it keeps breaking down.

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人若爱找茬儿,天堂也能被他挑出毛病。The fault finder will find faults even in paradise.

我得把发动机拆开才能找出毛病来。I'll have to strip down the engine to trace the fault.

我心里很不舒服,而且讨厌那辆汽车出毛病。I am so sick and tired of having trouble with that car.

我的手表出毛病了,我要让人修一下。Something is wrong with my watch. I'll have it repaired.

我的电脑最近老出毛病,真气人!My computer always goes out of order recently, how annoying!

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我的新车买了才三星期就出毛病了。Only three weeks after I bought my new car, problems started.

没有水了,原来是水龙头出毛病了。We had no water to use.There was something wrong with the tap.

我觉得这台电脑准是闹鬼了——它总是出毛病。I think this computer must be jinxed—It's always breaking down.

否则等到出毛病才送修,往往问题已经很严重。Or wait until the trouble to repair, often has a very serious problem.

你需要打印出一些文件,但是打印机又出毛病了。You need to print out some documents, but the printer’s acting up again.

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我的自行车修得真糟糕,每骑一百米就要出毛病。My bike was so clumsily botched up that it broke down every hundred metres.

我是不正常,毕,你也不对劲,整个法庭都出毛病了。I'm out of order. Peh , you're out of order. This whole courtroom's out of order.

打印机清洗泵嘴出毛病是较多的,也是造成堵头的主要因素之一。Cleaning the printer is more wrong pump nozzle, the plug is also one of the main factors.