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一个优良品种形成了。A strong breed emerged.

优良企业局。Better Business Bureau.

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会谈话的舌头是一件优良的兵器。A good argot is a good weapon.

鹿皮是十分优良的皮革。Deerskin is very good leather.

你是一位优良老师。You are a acceptable abecedary.

他的优良品行受到人们的赞扬。His good behavior reaped praise.

铁杉是一种优良的软木材。Tsuga is a fine kind of softwood.

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他的优良品行值得称赞。His good conduct deserves applause.

焊铅锡耐热性优良。Excellent in solder heat resistance.

品味,是汉诗的优良品质。Taste is the life of Chinese poetry.

那间店只贩卖质量优良的海鲜。The shop sells only quality seafood.

他买了两方质地优良的端砚。He bought two high quality inkstones.

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貂皮尺码和皮张质量优良。The fur length and quality were good.

优良的抗水冲刷。Excellent resistance to water washout.

认为是优良芽变新株系。It seems to be a new promising strain.

她总是得到品行优良奖。She always got the good conduct prize.

我们应该沿袭我们的优良传统。We should keep up our good traditions.

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那孩子的优良品行受到了赞扬。The child's good behavior reaps praise.

SE是一种优良的非离子表面活性剂。SE is kind of good non-ionic surfactant.

我们培育出了一种优良的稻种。We have developed a fine strain of rice.