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说出三位曾为你雪中送炭的朋友的名字。Name three friends who helped you through a difficult time.

很多人认为一个真正的朋友只会雪中送炭。Many believe a true friend does not abandon in the time of need.

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雪中送炭,日行一善,捐赠对象我识拣。Give Timely Help and Do a Good Deed Everyday. I Donate Confidently.

这对于希望推迟做出艰难决策的政客而言无疑是雪中送炭。That is an easy sell to politicians wanting to postpone tough decisions.

区里组织的特聘高级教师的研修学习,对于我来说可谓是雪中送炭。District organization founded senior teachers training learning, for me, it is urgently needed.

我们平常都说“锦上添花”不如“雪中送炭”,就是边际效应在起作用。We usually say 'the icing on the cake' as 'temporary relief', that is, the marginal effect at work.

这是信心的考验,雪中送炭,可以见出朋友的真情,对神的爱亦复如此。If I would know the love of my friend I must see what it can do in the winter. So with the Divine love.

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友情是清心明目。真正的朋友不仅能够锦上添花,更能在危难中雪中送炭。Friendship is a quiet your. A true friend can not only the icing on the cake, can timely in times of crisis.

这些少数者一定非常有福,又懂得品尝和珍惜人生每一段缘份,尤其是那些雪中送炭的感人故事!Only a very few remember what life was like before and who was always by their side in the most painful situations.

对于马克思来说,朋友的这次遗赠不仅是雪中送炭,还给了他在股市小试牛刀的机会。For Marx, a friend of the legacy not only provide a temporary relief, he returned to the stock market in small knife test.

地下铁站也很近哦,当你要在欧洲呆上三周时,转角处的自主洗衣店更是绝对雪中送炭!The metro station is so close and the laundromat around the corner is a real bonus when you are in Europe for three weeks!

即便不死,大多也如同王小二过年一年不如一年,显然,对整个行业的不景气,投资者只会“落井下石”而非“雪中送炭”。Some will bee worse and worse. Evidently because of the depression of whole industry, VC won't pay any attention to unpromising thing.

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即便不死,大多也如同王小二过年一年不如一年,显然,对整个行业的不景气,投资者只会“落井下石”而非“雪中送炭”。Some will become worse and worse. Evidently because of the depression of whole industry, VC won't pay any attention to unpromising thing.

这些政策措施对遭受国际金融危机冲击的东盟国家无疑是雪中送炭。Those policy measures will undoubtedly provide timely help to the ASEAN members which have suffered a lot from the international financial crisis.

是啊,在冰雪严寒中,对那些孤立无援的人来说,哪怕一句简单的问候,也胜似雪中送炭吧。Yes, in snow and ice severely cold, was isolated and cut off from help the human to these, even if simple regards, also surpassed gives opportune help.

无论是在本地的慈善组织做志愿者还是借钱给朋友,没有什么比付出更令人愉悦的,尤其是雪中送炭。Whether it's volunteering for a local charity or lending money to a friend, nothing feels better than giving to others, especially when they need it more.

我的那个已经出过一本书的教练,就把他的封面设计和出版商的联系方式给了我,还推荐了一些有声望的编辑,真是雪中送炭哪!My coach, who had already published a book, gave me the name and contact information of his cover designer and publisher, and recommended a reputable editor.

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此外,在职教发展中资源分配应权衡“锦上添花”和“雪中送炭”策略,保证公办学校和民办学校的公平竞争,避免因此造成的教育不公平。Furthermore, we must care about the "the icing on the cake" or "timely help", competition between public schools and private schools to avoid unfair education.

当你来到不同国家不同的俱乐部环境,你语言不通,所以有一个在你周围做你的翻译真是雪中送炭。When you come to a different club in a different country and you don't understand the language, it's a big help to have someone around who can translate for you.

想昨天鳌头独占有酒有肉都来锦上添花,看今天家贫如洗无柴无米谁肯雪中送炭。Like yesterday, there is wine and Ngau Tau exclusive meat came icing on the cake to see if this poor family who wash not object willing to provide a temporary relief.