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你说她女儿这是走的什么桃花运啊?You say her daughter this is to hike of what luck in adore?

同一时间,身边的一位好朋友的“桃花运”开始涌现。At the same time, one of my good friend seems to have some few admirers.

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我愿用一辈子的桃花运换一个用真心喜欢我的的汉子。I would like to use a lifetime of love in a really love me with the man.

另外,猩红、红色和洋红色,能促进桃花运。Colors such as scarlet, red and carmine help in the promotion of love and romance.

你们先走,我等会儿就来。噢,我们得制定个计划,以防万一我们中有谁走桃花运。Just go. I'll catch up with you. Oh, we should have a plan in case one of us gets lucky.

感情方面,属兔的男士今年走桃花运,但是女士们今年可能会错失良缘啦。Where romance is concerned, it will be a year of hits for male Rabbits and misses for females.

最近在迈阿密一项三项全能赛事的终点线附近我交上了“桃花运”——而且还不费吹灰之力。I had some luck recently at a triathlon finish line in Miami -- and I didn't even have to break a sweat.

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于是我在墙上画了最最喜欢的桃花,也能借此提高我的桃花运!Therefore I have drawn the peach blossom on the wall which likes extremely, also can enhance my good luck!

蓝菱佩服珍妮的记忆力,同时赠予她一条粉晶,指希望有助珍妮的桃花运。LanLing admire Jane memory, at the same time, give her a crystal powder, hope to help Jenny desires of the heart.

洛杉矶广告艺术总监艾丽西娅·希福尔和一些人坚信风水可以提升一个人的桃花运。People like Los Angeles advertising art director Alicia Schiefer insist that feng shui works to improve one's romantic life.

在全世界的西语系国家,穿红色内衣裤被认为会带来好的桃花运。In Spanish-speaking countries around the world, wearing red underwear on New Year's Day is thought to bring good luck in love.

据说,打造“发红的耳朵”可以营造一种羞涩和甜美的气质,甚至有时还能带来桃花运。Blushing ears are said to reflect their shyness and sweetness. It is said that "blushing ears" sometimes even make the wearer lucky in love.

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如玫瑰般缤纷的色泽在春季总是最受欢迎的色调,带点小女人的甜蜜与娇媚,绝对是提升桃花运的至佳选择。Rose pink is always young ladies' favorite in spring. With a little sweet and delicate of pretty girl, rose pink is best choice to improve a romantic life.

为了增加桃花运,我决定除了在本地找朋友,再到其他我认为距离合理的城市找找看。In order to expand my possibilities, I decided to look for people not only in my city, but also in other cities within what I thought was a reasonable distance.

对于单身者,这个月的爱情生活十分美好。桃花运很高,很有可能碰上一段有望发展的关系。Love life, for the unattached, would be very positive. There will be high level of luck, which could make a chance encounter into a possible serious relationship now.

桃花节还举办了风光摄影、书画写生、结桃花缘、撞桃花运等系列活动。During the Taohua Festival for enjoying the peach flowers, various activities were arranged, including photo-taking, painting, bind dating with a girl or a boy friend.

最后的两个星期标志着一个新的循环,木星和太阳方面将会加固你迷人的魅力,也是增加你的潜力和桃花运的大好机会。The two last weeks mark the departure of a new cycle Jupiter Sun which still will reinforce your attractively, but also your potentials and your chances of sentimental blooming.

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影片里忙于四处“施舍”桃花运的葛优,这回形象时尚而野性,风度翩翩,很酷很偶像派。In the movie is busy with in all directions "the bestowment" good luck Ge You, but this chapter of vivid fashion fondness of countryside, elegant bearing, very very very idol faction.