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我的船在水上漂浮。Boats sof mine a-floating.

云漂浮在空中。Clouds floated in the sky.

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你只是漂浮在那里。You're just floating there.

科学家们想知道红火蚁是如何实现漂浮的。Scientists wanted to know how.

如光斑一样漂浮舞动。The flecks did float and dance.

你看到天堂里漂浮的流云。Where rhe tides of heaven flow.

这里是处于漂浮状态的寿司。Here is with some floating maki.

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一片片的水草漂浮在水面上。Patches of weeds float on the water.

他很快的轻轻漂浮进去。He quickly levitated into the saucer.

它漂浮于气垫之上。It's floating on its own air cushion.

空气中漂浮着溶剂的味道。The smell of solvent hangs in the air.

她的皮裘大衣绊手绊脚的,但鼓涨漂浮着。Her fur coat was confining but buoyant.

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荷花的叶子怎么在水上漂浮?How do the leaves of a waterlily float?

它就像一根羽毛一般,漂浮在碧波上。It floated like a feather on the waves.

几根树枝顺河漂浮而下。Several branches floated down the river.

鬼在漂浮,精灵们在跳动。With ghosts floating and goblins jumping.

我伸脚去钩取一段漂浮着的木头。I reached for a floating log with my foot.

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昨晚,在我的梦中我在无尽的试卷中漂浮。Last night, in my dream I was in of paper.

在顶部漂浮1盎司五香摩根船长朗姆酒。Float 1oz Captain Morgan Spiced Rum on top.