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人很抱愧入定时到。I felt sorry for not coming in time.

在暗夜中,它的形状隐然如老僧入定一般。In the dark night it loomed like an old monk in meditation.

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如果我不在椅子上,我是无法入定学习的。I can’t think of article ideas if I’m not sitting in my chair.

他失去了经过多年入定修行所获得的那种发自内心的快乐。He lost the inner happiness he had gained by years of meditating.

那时候,贝拿勒斯邻近的森林里有一位入定的寂静佛。In those days, there was a Silent Buddha meditating in the forest near Benares.

这还是他们第一次尝试入定中进行有目地的喜力调动。This is their first attempt in meditation to carry on the goal of enjoying strength reassignment.

女祭司常常是位受人尊敬的年长妇女,进入入定状态与上帝交流。A priestess Pithiness, usually a respected older woman, went intoatrancetocommunicate withthegods.

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看到一群人围着一个人,保护他,使其灵魂入定是很有意思的。It's quite lovely to see how people form a protective ring around the person to settle the spirit.

圣僧返回房间,关了门,整夜都处在入定的最高境界。He returned to his room, closed the door, and meditated in a high mental state throughout the night.

由于按时到达很重要,她们开始入定并且让公共汽车正点到达。Because it was important to arrive onetime, they both began to concentrate and got the bus back on schedule.

姝仪女士说,她书写经文的过程就是一个入定慈念的修行。Ms. Li says the process of writing is a practice with compassion, every word calls for such a great love of mercy.

女祭司常常是位受人尊敬的年长妇女,进入入定状态与上帝交流。A priestess, called the Pithiness, usually a respected older woman, went into a trance to communicate with the gods.

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念佛打坐入定时,也要防备小蚊子乘虚而入,叮咬得修行人遍体又痒又痛呀。Just like we must beware of intruding mosquitoes when doing meditation or otherwise we will end up being badly bitten.

有一次,那位徒弟大概入定太深,手脚都软了,一不小心把茶壶摔破了,他怕死了,不知道该怎么跟师父解释。Once, perhaps because he was too deep in samadhi and his limbs became weak, the disciple broke the teapot inadvertently.

然后,瑜珈组入定沉思60分钟,同时非瑜珈组则仅仅是阅读。Then, the yoga group was asked to engage in the meditative practice for 60 minutes, while the non-yoga group simply read.

在修成这一境界时,你不再为凡尘所扰,并且在你最后的日子入定。In attaining this state, you are no longer troubled by the world's demands, and you spend your final days in quiet contemplation.

他在这个宁静的地方入定了很长时间,已经达到一种高深的意识境界——内心快乐无比。In this peaceful area he had been meditating for a long time, until he had come to enjoy the inner happiness of a high mental state.

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引入定容闪蒸,逐极进行汽液平衡及水力学计算。The consideration of Constant Volume Flash was used, rigorous phase equilibrium and hydraulics was adopted in the calculation of every plate.

随着你越来越沈浸于对这些问题的探索,入定渐少成为一场抵制干扰的战斗,渐多地成为一个探索内心的机会。As you get more and more absorbed in exploring these issues, concentration becomes less a battle against disturbance and more an opportunity for inner exploration.

总体说来,佛、禅都有着因现实的无常而思入定,因痛苦而求超脱的大致相同的心理体验与精神追求。Totally speaking, Buddhism and Zen both have similar psychology taste and spirit aspiration because the thinking of realistic fleetness and the detachment of pain.