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这次银行劫案中有一名保安员遇害。A security guard was killed in the bank raid.

香港游客在菲律宾遭劫持,8人遇害。HK tourists killed in Manila hostage incident.

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奥巴马在纽约归零地纪念本-拉登的遇害人Obama Honors Victims of Bin Laden at Ground Zero

中国船员泰国湄公河遭劫,13人全部遇害。Attack on Chinese boats on Mekong River kills 13.

受害者都是在夏季遇害的。Both victims were slaughteredduring the summertime.

阳光照亮了横放着那个遇害女子的房间。It lighted up the room where the murdered woman lay.

今年七月,乔丹的父亲在北卡罗莱纳遇害。In July Jordan's father was murdered in North Carolina.

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莫伦是在伊拉克遇害的第二名美国外交官。Mollen is the second U.S. diplomat to be killed in Iraq.

一年以后,希科尔斯基在直布罗陀的一场空难中遇害。Sikorski died in a plane crash in Gibraltar a year later.

皮万达卡尔是这位遇害警官的好友。Sanjive Piwandakar was a close friend of the slain officer.

遇害的小鸟变成桃树,将真相告诉了马郎。The dead bird changed into a peach and told the truth to Malang.

生前众叛亲离的富豪在亲友聚会中遇害。The magnate was murdered at a gathering of relatives and friends.

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弗莱彻·马歇尔。1973年遇害,就在格拉夫顿被殴打致死。Fletcher Marshall. Murdered in 1973. Beaten to death right in Grafton.

书生看到茫茫大海,一名遇害女子一丝不挂的地躺在沙滩上。See the sea, a scholar who murdered the woman was to lie on the beach.

星期二在古道上发生的一次泥石流已使一名阿根廷游客和她的导游遇害。A mudslide on the trail killed an Argentine tourist and her guide Tuesday.

早前,国际安全救援部队表示有两名北约士兵于周五在南部地区遇害。Earlier, Isaf said two Nato troops had been killed in the south on Friday.

百分之九十七的遇害鸟类属于鸣禽,其中莺科鸟数量尤其多。Ninety-seven percent of all birds killed are songbirds, especially warblers.

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刀郎成功在伊丽莎白遇害前,她可以作证反对他。Dolan succeeds in having Elizabeth killed before she can testify against him.

今年在阿富汗遇害的援助人员中,每30人就有6人是外籍人士。Six of the 30 aid workers killed in Afghanistan this year have been foreigners.

但前一天,他冒雨查看了罗森博格遇害的地点。But the previous day, as rain fell, he had visited the site where Rosenberg was shot.