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面粉过筛了吗?Has the flour sifted?

搅好鸡蛋后再慢慢地拌入面粉。Fold in the egg whites.

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面粉和盐混合入盆。Sieve the flour and salt.

我们买了两袋面粉。We bought two sacks o flour.

他在商店里偷窃了一袋面粉。He shoplifted a bag of flour.

全麦面粉有什么问题吗?What's wrong with wholemeal ?

谷物和面粉都是种类物。Grain and flour are fungibles.

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米和面粉在哪儿?Where are the rice and flours?

小麦面粉不全都是一样的。All wheat flours are not alike.

我们可以把面粉和水混起来!We can mix the flour and water!

将面粉和水打匀。Whisk together flour and water.

小麦面粉需要贮存3~4星期。Wheat flour requires 3- 4 weeks.

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在撒了面粉的板上磋成细长条。Roll out thin on a floured board.

波普尔有使玉米入面粉。Pople there make maize into flour.

蛋糕和面粉糕饼也在下午茶上供应。Cakes and pastries are also served.

首先,筛分面粉和盐。First, sift the flour and the salt.

她把面粉倒进盆内。She tipped the flour into the basin.

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把面粉,砂塘和盐混合备用。Sift together flour, sugar and salt.

慢慢倒进面粉,边加边拌匀。Slowly pour in the flour, stir well.

你可以用面粉使汤变浓。You can thicken the soup with flour.