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从A到B划一条线。Draw a line from A to B.

猫也可以审察国王,意为大家划一。A cat may look at a king.

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一丝皱纹划一道长恨!Each wrinkle is a sign of your hate.

我在企划一档儿童电视节目。I'm developing a kid's television show.

你最好事先在那里划一条白线。You'd better mark a white line there beforehand.

用泪水凝成爱的湖泊,用爱划一道幸福的圈。With a tearful love lake, with love a happy circle.

在笔记本的一页的中间划一条竖线。Draw a vertical line down the center of your notebook paper.

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正面进入15MM并在底板上划一条定位边线。Go in 15MM from the front and mark the line on the bottom panel.

在这条线和右边距的中间再划一条线。Draw another line halfway between that line and the right margin.

用刀片在面包中间划一长痕,约1厘米深。Make a 1cm deep slash in the center along the length of the dough.

手工制品受到那些已厌倦划一产品的人的欢迎。Handmade goods appeal to those who are tired of cookie -cutter products.

他们首先会计划一份完整的待办事情清单,因为他们了解最后期限是什么时间。They set out to complete their bucket list because they know when the end is.

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在玉米田间,你可以获得平等的观念、划一的观念、大众民主的观念。From corn you can derive notions of equality, or uniformity, massed democracy.

“这破笔”,嘀咕着,又在旧报纸上乱划一气。"This lousy pen", whisper, again in the old newspaper top in disorder uniform spirit.

赛舟的队员正用完美划一的动作,驾着一只浮架独木舟破风斩浪,行驶在欧胡岛的海面上。Paddlers perfect their racing strokes in an outrigger canoe off Oahu's windward coast.

假如我们在一块板上写下一串数字,每个数字都有几位数,然后划一条线把它们加起来得出总数。Suppose we put down a column of figures on a board with several digits in each number.

这一战略就像对敌人划一千刀,让他们流血至死。This strategic plan is like a thousand knives of the enemy, so that they bleed to death.

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第三个长度采用三划一换气,注意每只手的划水都算一划。On the third length, breathe every three strokes, with each hand-hit counting as one stroke.

表面爬行和跳跃之间的差别是渐变的,它很难划一条固定分界线。The differences between surface creep and saltation are gradual and it to draw a fixed line.

在你的胸部之间划一条线,还要在你的胸部凸起的边缘画线,并且和眼影粉混合起来。Draw a line between your breasts and along the curves of your breasts with it, blending it well.