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船绕过了岬角。The ship rounded the point.

我们不能绕过岬角。We could not double the cape.

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该舰队停在岬角外。The fleet lay off the headland.

嶙峋的岬角突入海中…A rocky headland jutted into the sea.

从北冰洋松树似的岬角。Or piny promontory of the Arctic main.

海岸线长472公里,多岬角和港湾。A coastline of 472 kilometers, multi headland and harbor.

岬角成了沙洲和浅滩,溪谷和山峡成了深水与湖峡。A deep mountainside gorge or gully, especially in the Swiss Alps.

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黎明时份,香港岛一个岬角对开的蓝塘海峡美景。Tathong Channel, seen at dawn beyond a Hong Kong Island headland.

去斯达特岬角的路上会经过一个个迷人的村庄。The drive to Start Point takes you through charming country villages.

岬角成了沙洲和浅滩,溪谷和山峡成了深水与湖峡。Cape becomes bar, and plain shoal, and valley and gorge deep water and channel.

在岬角区玩过过山车之后,游客们可以坐缆车去往低地地区。Having enjoyed the rides at the Headland, visitors can take a shuttle to the lowland.

斯达特岬角灯塔建于1836年,俯瞰着英吉利海峡的斯达特海湾。Start Point Lighthouse, overlooking the English Channel on Start Bay, was built in 1836.

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不过没关系,在斯达特岬角灯塔看到的壮美景色完全可以弥补两天来顶着一头乱发的缺憾。Never mind. The glorious views from Start Point lighthouse more than compensate for bad hair days.

过去,我一直在湖边一个岬角垂钓,旁边就是座城堡模样的大房子。I had been fishing close to the shore at the point in the lake where this man had a huge castle-like house.

从春天到十月份,如果天气状况良好的话,斯达特岬角灯塔每周会开放三天。If the weather is good, tours of Start Point Light are available three days a week from spring till October.

这个建于1866年的领事馆坐落在岬角上,俯视着海港,至今仍保存完好。Built in 1866 and standing on a headland overlooking the harbor, the building has been beautifully preserved.

河口附近有一个沙地岬角,上面建着一些装饰了贝壳和多瘤漂木的低矮建筑物。Near the mouth of the river is a sandy spit with low buildings decorated with oyster shells and gnarly driftwood.

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我俩和几个知道这件事的人给这个地方起了个名字“恶魔的岬角”。Between the 2 of us and to a few people we have told, this spot on the river has gotten the title " Devils' Point ".

箬槽背倚大青山,南北分别被牛头山和猫跳两处岬角所挟持,自成一处呈喇叭口状的小海湾,沿海一线,礁石林立。Ruocao is a trumpet-shaped gulf backing on to the mount Daqing and it is sandwiched between the cape Niutou and Maotiao.

这一片河面好像一面镜子,树叶,曲折的河岸,和那些渐远渐小的岬角,河中都有它们幽暗的倒影。And all this stretch of river is a mirror, and you have the shadowy reflections of the leafage and the curving shores and the receding capes pictured in it.