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它有帝王的野心么?Does it habor imperial ambitions?

非人人生来都是作帝王的。But all men are not born to reign.

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曾使古代的帝王和村夫喜悦。In ancient days by emperor and clown

君似一帝王,高贵犹胜之Because thou art more noble and like a king

为什么帝王要违犯自己定出的法规?Or kings be breakers of their own behests ?

臣子向帝王呈递的意见书。The opinion book from the vassal to a lord.

宙斯给人印象之深使使每个奥林匹克运动会的游客都想一睹为快,甚至罗马帝王卡利格拉也曾经试图将其窃走。Zeus was so impressive that games' visitors

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喝过帝王们的鸩毒——自我阿谀?Drink up the monarch's plague this flattery?

有多少帝王甘愿步下他们的王座?How many kings step down from their thrones?

青史所留皆为帝王之名The books are filled with the names of kings.

帝王借我坐国位。君王借我定公平。By me kings reign, and princes decree justice.

帝王和诸侯们也都消失,像一声叹惋。When monarch and states vanished, like a sigh.

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欧洲犹有奴隶、军队、同盟、帝王。Europe has slaves, allies, kings, armies still.

所有帝王无论大小屈服于吾。All kings of empires great and small kneel to me.

然木工石坊之作帝王乎Was it kings who hauled the craggy blocks of stone?

我不屑把处境跟帝王对调。I disdained the situation with regard emperors swap.

臣仆是冥冥的黑夜,帝王是朗朗的白天。Poor grooms are sightless night, kings glorious day.

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这块奇妙的地皮为历代帝王、名流所景仰。The land is respected by monarch and famous persons.

后来,龙成了权利和帝王的象征。Later, dragon became the symbol of power and monarch.

新英格兰帝王豹纹蝶的消失也应如此。So should New England's loss of the regal fritillary.