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面具上写著「鲁伊斯下台。The mask reads" Out Ulises."

歌利亚下台后仍然激动不已。Backstage, she was still excited.

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他仅当了一届总统就下台了。He went on to be a one-term president.

听众把演讲人嘘下台。The audience groaned the speaker down.

该政党在下次选举时可能下台。This party may go out at next election.

要求日相森喜朗下台压力日渐升高。Pressure mounts on Japan PM Mori to step down.

穆巴拉克下台,埃及举国一片欢腾Egypt Erupts in Jubilation as Mubarak Steps Down

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本周日本首相再度易人,鸠山下台,菅直人上台。The prime minister of japan changed again this week.

那个芭蕾舞女演员在下台之前行屈膝礼。The ballerina bobbed a curtsy before leaving the stage.

然而,奥巴马和国务院希望卡扎菲下台。However, Oboma and the State Department wanted Gadhafi out.

作为总统还有什么比被逼下台更令他痛苦的事情呢?As a President, there is nothing sadness but being impeached.

极权主义者更加病态,更难让他下台。The totalitarian ones are both sicker and harder to dislodge.

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接下的8年,民主党努力的想让布什下台。For the next eight years, Democrats tried to delegitimize Bush.

无法下台,奥巴马只好回答了芮成钢的问题。He failed to got his face. So Obama had to answer Rui's question.

如果冈萨雷斯下台,布什将失去最可靠的盾牌。If Gonzales steps down, Bush would lose his most reliable shield.

但凡有一个韩国记者站起身来,无法下台的就是芮成钢自己。As just one Korean reporter standed up, Rui would be shame himself.

但是没有迹象显示阿萨德会响应他们的号召下台。But Assad shows no sign of heeding their calls for him to step down.

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他说道,“这些人想让领袖下台,维护以往古旧的体系。These people wanted to unseat the leader and preserve the old system.

西尔维奥·贝鲁斯科尼的竞争对手用尽方法令他下台。SILVIO BERLUSCONI'S opponents have tried everything to get rid of him.

阿代尔说,卡扎菲下台以后,希望能有新的教科书出台。Among the many things he hopes for if Gadhafi leaves are new textbooks.