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我们家人口众多,其乐融融。I have a big happy family.

让我们帮助让社会更美好,其乐融融。Help make society better and have fun doing it.

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他言辞敏锐,头脑灵活,与其相伴,真是其乐融融。He is fun to be with—verbally sharp and mentally agile.

我希望我的家庭是其乐融融,没有争吵,没有打闹。I hope my family is happy, no quarrel, no rowdy session.

两年后,她做了妈妈,一家三口其乐融融。Two years later, she made her mother, a three enjoyable.

在水中,鱼和鱼都其乐融融吗?In water, do fish and piscine Dou Jile happy and harmonious?

我们其乐融融的一家人,我们将在2008年创造新的辉煌!We were a happy family, and would make new successes in 2008!

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虽然出身贫困,但是其乐融融,使我沐浴着家庭的温暖和亲切。I am wrapped in the warmth and kindness in a poor but cosy family.

一家五口、老少三代生活在一起,和和美美①,其乐融融。Now the family of five lives a happy and harmonious life in Beijing.

设若提康·赫伦尼可夫生于美国的衣阿华州,他估计会在谦逊的名誉中其乐融融。HAD he been born in Iowa, Tikhon Khrennikov might have enjoyed a modest fame.

学校充满着问候声、平等的对话和其乐融融的和谐氛围。The school is full of greetings , equal communications and homelike atmosphere.

晓荷带天天回家,海东问起医院情况,一家人其乐融融。Xiao Jose took home every day, Haidong asked the hospital, one family enjoyable.

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每到周末一家三口可以其乐融融的一起去逛街游玩…Every weekend, one of the three can be enjoyable for the play to go shopping toge.

随着优美的华尔兹歌曲的响起,大家仿佛沉浸在一个其乐融融的世外桃源。With a beautiful waltz song, everyone seemed immersed in a kaleidoscope of Xanadu.

家有贤妻,自然其乐融融,若遇悍,也别有一番风景。There's a natural feel happy, if encounter, overbearing, also do not have a scenery.

其乐融融的气氛蚕食了他们的畏惧心理,他们对危险也不再警觉。The outbreak of niceness has eroded their fear and they are no longer alert to danger.

还有盲人弹起了钢琴,更是一圈人伴着琴声唱起了歌,其乐融融。One blind lady played the piano, and lots of people sang according to the melody, with joy.

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“大生”——万物平等、和谐共生、其乐融融。Perfect life – Equality of everything on earth, harmonious coexistence, and happiness for all.

一大家人团聚在一起,开开心心、热热闹闹的品尝着美酒佳肴,其乐融融。A large family reunion together, a happy heart and solitude to taste delicious wine, feel happy.

此后,两个人承包了600多亩土地,办起了农场,一家人其乐融融。Since then, two people contracted 600 mu of land, from the Office of the farms, an enjoyable one.