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普天同庆,上帝来了!Joy to the world, the Lord is come!

还有什更能让我们如此普天同庆?What else are we capable of celebrating so universally?

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守门员尤其痛恨“普天同庆”。“Goalies particularly hate the Jabulani. 'Terrible, ' said the U.

普天同庆,万众欢腾。Universal celebrations are held and the whole nation is in elation.

今天是大年初一,外面张灯结彩、普天同庆,热闹极了!Today is New Year's Day, the outside decorated, celebrate, extremely busy!

梅塔表示,“普天同庆”也许与“团队之星”一样,有时也会出现球在运行的过程中突然变线。Mehta said Jabulani will probably have some of the same quirks as Teamgeist.

英格兰队教练卡佩罗坚持认为“普天同庆”对球赛有影响。England coach Fabio Capello insisted that "celebrate" an impact on the match.

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而且,从流体力学的角度来看,普天同庆也很有趣。And from a fluid mechanics standpoint, the Jabulani's also pretty interesting.

教练告诉球员这种“普天同庆”足球可以到处游走,因此任何角度都可射门。Managers tell players this ball wanders everywhere, so shoot from every angle.

不管是门将、球员还是教练,都众口一辞炮轰“普天同庆”。Goalkeepers, outfield players and coaches all lined up to lambast the Jabulani.

不过,普天同庆并非古怪到球员无法学会控制它。Still, the Jabulani isn't so unpredictable that players can't learn to control it.

他们在那里的发现可能解释“普天同庆”的不可预测性。And what they found there may explain the seemingly unpredictable nature of the Jabulani.

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英国拉夫堡大学体育科技研究小组担任了“普天同庆”的设计任务。The Sports Technology Research Group at England’s Loughborough University designed the ball.

首先,本次世界杯将采用一颗名叫“扎布拉尼”的新球,“扎不拉尼”在祖鲁语中为“普天同庆”之意。First, the games will feature a new ball, called the Jabulani, the Zulu word for "celebrate."

鲜花如海,红旗如潮普天同庆,共度祖国母亲六十华诞好时光。Flowers such as the sea, waves red flag to celebrate the hard motherland 60 birthday good time.

国际足联则为“普天同庆”辩护说皮球是经过彻底测试才给正式使用。FIFA was "celebrate" the defense said that the ball was thoroughly tested for official use only.

祂的名能在各地各方,在不同文化,在或大或小的教会内被称颂,这真值得普天同庆啊!He is praised around the world in churches small and large in many cultures. What a celebration!

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正如你所想象的,全世界各国人民普天同庆这个传统…As you might imagine, people around the world celebrate with a wide range of Christmas traditions.

此外,德国巨头还是国际足联的官方合作伙伴,并是世界杯唯一指定用球“普天同庆”的制造商。The German group is an official partner of FIFA and it's the provider of the World Cup ball "Jabulani."

另外,“普天同庆”表面覆盖的凸起小点有助于球员触球时的足部舒适感。The surface of the ball has also been covered with raised nubbins to help with tactile feel on the foot.