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把干冰放入水中。And you put some dry ice into it.

看!我们应有尽有,有刨冰、方冰还有干冰。We have crushed! Cubed ! And dry! Watch!

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从一个当地冰店买一些大块的干冰。Buy a little hunk of dry ice from a local ice house.

我们可以哪一些干冰,和一小瓶水。If you take dry ice, and you've got a little bit of water.

如果你把一块干冰扔进火里,那么一切都会展现在你面前。This is what would happen if you throw dry-ice into a fire.

循环后的碳被用于碳酸饮料以及制作干冰。The recycled product is used for carbonated drinks and dry ice.

冷藏、空调和制干冰利用了LNG的冷量。The cold energy of LNG consists of cold exergy and cooling capacity.

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这幅图像展现了沙丘原野上的干冰从固体蒸发为气体后景象,明亮的季节性冰原只残留下几小片,我们可以看到沙丘上蜿蜒着无数道沙尘暴留下的黑色痕迹。Numerous dark dust devil tracks can be seen meandering across the dunes.

因此,你们不可以将干冰放在关上窗开着冷气的汽车里。So, don't put the dry ice inside your car if you are using aircon with fully closed windows.

照片上显示的悬崖上的白色物质是位于火星北极地区的干冰。The white material at the top of the cliff, near the planet's north pole, is carbon dioxide ice.

他们把碘化银、干冰及固态氮加入云层当中形成直接降雨。They add silver iodide, dry ice and liquid nitrogen to the clouds causing immediate precipitation.

它是业界第一个独立的带液晶显示功能的无探针干冰检测仪。It is the industry's first self-contained probeless dry ice monitor with an LCD display capability.

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他们在湿润的食物上涂上甘油使其看起来依然湿润并使用干冰使食物持久“热气腾腾”。They paint wet food with glycerin to keep it looking wet and use dry ice to make hot food "steam" longer.

图中展示的是被放置在干冰中冷冻的一片人脑切片,研究人员为它穿上一件蓝色羧甲基纤维素“外衣”。A slice of human cerebrum freezes in dry ice, embedded in a stabilizing coat of blue carboxymethylcellulose.

这条好消息一点也不令人吃惊,因为冰冠的夏季温度高得足以蒸发干冰。That piece of good news came as no surprise, because summer temperatures at the cap are high enough to vaporize frozen carbon dioxide.

同时样品的保存不需液氮,干冰或-80℃冰箱,使样品的保存和运输变得容易和便宜。As the fluid nitrogen, dry ice or -80℃ refrigerator are not needed, the preservation and transportation of samples become cheap and easy.

指出了灰垢对热效率的影响,采用干冰对加热炉进行清洗是较好的清洗方法。The effects of dust on thermal efficiency were pointed out. Dry ice cleaning on organic heat carrier furnace is a better cleaning method.

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发射上天的化学物通常是干冰或碘化银,它们应该能为水蒸汽提供一个表面以凝结成雨滴。The chemicals fired into the sky, usually dry ice or silver iodide, are supposed to provide a surface for water vapour to form liquid rain.

火星沙丘内部的暗沙,随着春日的阳光融化较薄的干冰而逐渐清晰可见。At that time, dark sand on the interior of Martian sand dunes became more and more visible as the spring Sun melted the lighter carbon dioxide ice.

这张图片实际显示的,是距离火星北极不足240英里的沙丘上覆盖的一层薄薄的冰冻二氧化碳、或干冰。The photographs actually show sand dunes coated with a thin layer of frozen carbon dioxide, or dry ice, less than 240 miles from the planet's north pole.