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这是一种非常典型的地方土语。This is a very typical local language.

老人用墨西哥土语骂着「你这婊子。」"Aqua mala, " the man said. "You whore.

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方言土语是一种语言现象,又是一个社会现象。Dialects are regarded as a linguistic and social phenomenon.

他的叙述是方言和土语最成功的运用。His narrative is a super rendering of dialect speech and idiom.

他们大可用罗马字母来书写他们的土语。They can always write their local languages in the Roman characters.

方言,土语,地方话,指一个地区人们所使用的语言。A dialect is a form of a language that is spoken in a particular area.

本论文概述了鄂尔多斯土语中的汉语借词情况。This article mainly discussed about the impact of Chinese loan words Ordos dialect.

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应安排当地的加工厂来处理。他的叙述是方言和土语最成功的运用。Arrangements should be made to have a local processor or rendering plant pick it up.

几乎所有加州当地的美洲土语已有消失之虞。Already almost all Californian Native American languages are in danger of extinction.

K2在当地巴拉提土语的名字是“乔戈里”,意思是“群山之王”。The local name of K2 is Chogori, which in Balti language means the king of mountains.

有一个同学学习得非常刻苦,他把书里面所有的方言,土语和习惯用语全都背得烂熟。One student was such a hard worker that he learned all the idioms in our book by heart.

它的存在十分广泛,其中包括土语、行话、隐语、暗语、黑话、禁语。It covers a wide linguistic scope, including local dialect, jargon, cant, and blasphemy.

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其科学名称来自当地土语Afar中的“根”这个词。The creatures take their scientific name from the word for 'root' in the local Afar language.

传统研究曾对该土语语音进行研究,但还没有用声学语音学进行过分析研究。The traditional phonetic research on it has been made but no acoustic analysis has been made.

加拿大一词来自休伦-易洛魁土语Kanata,意思是村庄或居住地。The word Canada is a derivation of the Huron-Iroquois Kanata. This means village or settlement.

在夏威夷土语中,Aloha是一句问候语,具有“你好”和“再见”的双重意思。That is the friendly greeting that means both "hello" and "goodbye" in the native Hawaiian language.

如果各地人之间都用方言土语说话,就会造成交际上的困难。If all people in different areas speak in local dialects, it will lead to the trouble in communications.

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第四章,从三个方面分析了语言接触对鄂尔多斯土语句法的影响。The fourth chapter analyze the language contact from three aspects to the Erdos patois syntax influence.

现代湘籍作家大量运用方言土语进行文学创作,其心理动因在于强烈的方言情结。Modern writers make extensive use of Hunan dialect for literary creation, Showing strong dialect complex.

经调查发现,书中使用的山东方言土语与东北方音有密切联系。After the research it is found that there is close connection between Shandong dialect and northeast accent.