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那否认的瞳仁。The pupil in denial.

医生打着手电筒检查他的瞳仁。The doctor is examining his pupil with a torch.

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这时,她看见了那双浅蓝色瞳仁。At this time, she saw a light blue Nashuang Tongren.

唯有你赐我真实喜乐,你是我眼中瞳仁。You alone are the real joy-giver, And the apple of eye.

埃克尔堡大夫的眼睛是蓝色的,庞大无比——瞳仁就有一码高。J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic—their irises are one yard high.

月光照着他那只失明的眼睛,暗淡无光的瞳仁含着泪水。In the moonlight I could see a tear glistening on the white patch of his blind eye.

我这一支福音之歌又将在你眼睛的瞳仁里,将你的视线带入万物的心里。I will be a gospel song Pupil in your eyes, the sight of your heart into everything.

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该星云最引人注目的照片,看起来就像人眼球中的瞳仁,还有完整的眼睑。Remarkable photos of it look like the blue iris of a human eye complete with eyelids.

弟兄姐妹们,上帝永远看顾、保守我们,有如保护祂眼中的瞳仁!This day we shall be succored and sustained. Oh, that the LORD may never be forgotten of us!

先将两手搓热,然后以劳宫穴对抚两瞳仁熨双目3分钟。Hands rub first heat, and then to the Laogong acupoint to ask two pupils of eyes for 3 minutes.

瞳仁认证虽然不错,但滴入扩瞳药水就可以轻易地改变瞳仁大小。Irises are very good for recognition but you can put in dilation drops which change the iris completely.

埃文思博士承认,初步的结果表明鼻子识别技术有优有劣,但效果还比不了瞳仁认证技术。This initial work is nowhere as good as iris identification but the nose has pros and cons, said Dr Evans.

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“兄弟,”灰色瞳仁的神圣尊者把左手搁在新入会者的肩上,“最后的誓言。”"Brother, " the gray-eyed master said, placing his left hand on the initiate's shoulder. "Take the final oath. "

我会好,在悲伤之后。依然笑靥灿烂,瞳仁中跃动细碎的阳光。I will be fine, after those sadness. There will be a bright smile on my face, with flecks of sunlight in my eyes.

瞳仁认证虽然不错,但滴入扩瞳药水就可以轻易地改变瞳仁大小。所以说没有什么技术是绝对可靠的。"Irises are very good for recognition but you can put in dilation drops which change the iris completely. No technique is infallible, " he said.

一双亮晶晶的大眼,深藏在修长的睫毛下,在那黑色的瞳仁里,闪耀着圣洁的光华,犹如喜马拉雅山圣湖的水光。网上。Beneath her long silken lashes, the purest reflections and a celestial light, swim in the black pupils of her great clear eyes, as in the sacred lakes of Himalayas.

把相机变成艺术家的眼睛,他们通过这双眼睛观看世界,投射在瞳仁里的世界被显影在纸上,供人解读。Artists turn the cameras into their eyes through which they observe the world. The world projected to the pupil is developed onto the paper for people to unscramble.

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我们已经掌握了瞳仁和指纹鉴定技术,而现在英国巴斯大学的一项研究表明,利用鼻子可能是一种更好的认证方法。Dr Evans hopes the method can be proven to be effective on this larger sample. "The technique certainly shows potential, perhaps to be used in combination with other identification methods, " he said.