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嗨!卡拉阿姨!Hi! Aunt Kala!

回头见,阿姨。Bye now, auntie.

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我只有一个阿姨。I only have one aunt.

泰喜阿姨会理头发!Aunt Tracy knows hair!

就像阿姨和大姨一样!Like aunt and the aunt!

“阿里巴阿姨”是维吾尔族。“Aunt Alipa” is Uyghur.

萨莉阿姨去购物。Aunt Sally went shopping.

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这是露西娅阿姨吗?Is that aunt lucia there?

很开心见到你,苏阿姨。Good to meet you, Bunty Su.

玛丽阿姨的生日是甚么时间?。When is Aunt Marys birthday?

你好,刘阿姨!您近来还好吗?Hello? Aunt Liu? how are you?

我的王蓉阿姨是一名教师。My Aunt Wanrong is a teacher.

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维姬阿姨也已经去世了。Aunt Vicky has also passed on.

叔叔和阿姨都住在附近地区。Aunts and uncles lived nearby.

苏阿姨是个非常热心的人。Aunt Sue is a very warm person.

别这样使简阿姨讨厌!Don't be so horrid to Aunt Jane!

后来阿姨在蛋糕店找到了他。My aunt found him in a cake shop.

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蕾梦娜阿姨,这是来洛克斯的妈妈。Aunt Ramona, this is Leroux's mom.

阿姨,您做的菜挺好吃的。Aunty, you are a really good cook.

胡平去参加他阿姨的婚礼了。Hu Ping went to his aunt's wedding.