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精神养生保健颐养精神。Mental health care home for the spirit.

这就是为什么富人们要到这里颐养天年,他们的到来为尼斯增色。That's why so many rich people have ended up here.

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所以这个时分要留意颐养。So this division to pay attention to take care of themselves.

所以脸部的颐养,并非每一处都相同,而是看需求性。So take care of themselves face is not everywhere the same, but by demand of the.

过去,在总统举行的仪式上被放生的火鸡一般会被送到当地的农场去颐养天年。In years past, turkeys spared in presidential ceremonies were sent to live at a local farm.

中东媒体说,他正好可以在沙特首都利雅得颐养天年。Middle East press that he could just enjoying their later years in the Saudi capital Riyadh.

目前脸部皮肤颐养产品最好的是艾弗莎系列,也可以保湿。Currently the best facial skin care of themselves is Yifu Sha series products can also be moisture.

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胡萝卜素可有效抵御紫内线的辐射,对夏季的肌肤颐养有很大的益处。Carotene may be effective against purple inside of the radiation, cozy summer skin greatly benefits.

这些机器由于机械的构造简单,所以很少故障,易于颐养。These machines have few breakdowns and are easy to maintain because of their simple mechanical structure.

他原以为一直这样可以做到退休,然后拿着优厚的退休金颐养天年。He had thought that this can be done has been retired, and then took a handsome pension for healthy aging.

按照我们的设想,他在老家能颐养天年,这就是他最好的结局了。According to our idea, he can take care of themselves in old age home, and this is the outcome of his best.

锅炉停炉后的维护颐养,分为炉体外部和锅内的防腐颐养。The boiler boiler stop after maintenance, care is divided into furnace external anti-corrosion and pot die.

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化装品都是修饰用的假设可以也只是暂时性的!颐养品买起来才是关键喔!Assumptions used in cosmetics can be modified are only temporary! Home for the goods bought up is the key Oh!

这样可以给身体补充水分而又滋养肠胃,防止便秘,还能颐养声响。This will add moisture to the body but nourish the stomach and prevent constipation, but also home for sound.

往常留意颐养,再协作去皱面霜,是会无效果的。Always pay attention to take care of themselves, and then wrinkle cream collaboration, it will be ineffective.

在锅炉长期停用时,应非常留意炉体外部的防腐颐养问题。In boiler outage for a long time, should be very wary of the furnace body external corrosion remaining problems.

一期工程于2007年7月建成对外开放,为滨海式、颐养型、主题休闲温泉度假村。The first part of the project was open to the public in July 2007. It is a shore style leisure hot spring resort.

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过去,在总统举行的仪式上被放生的火鸡一般会被送到当地的农场去颐养天年。At a ceremony Tuesday, Bush peered into Marshmallow's eyes, stroked its white fluffy feathers and patted its red head.

会早晚花时间、精挑细选保养品做最完美的颐养,女人的面子问题。Will sooner or later to spend time and carefully selected skin care products make the perfect home for a woman's face.

品如决议去找艾莉逼问她颐养品的来路,试图探看艾莉显露马脚。Product such as resolution to find ailey BiWen she tasted lailu, remaining trying to explore see ailey expose of the bag.