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我马上把这两个犹太卧底藏在一堆亚麻布里,然后就去开了门。I quickly hid the spies, in flax, and I opened the door.

你们这些卧底石真有意思,老在天台见面。It's fun that spies like you prefer to meet at the roof.

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“非常感谢,”这两个卧底向我致意诚挚的谢意。“Thank you, ” The two spies of Israel said, very gratefully.

斯旺森说服赫布利去做卧底以便将凶手抓获。Swanson persuaded Hubley to work undercover to capture the killer.

机器鱼有一天,被征集服现役卧底科学任务。Robot fish could one day be enlisted for undercover science missions.

这名男子是爱戴尔郡警局的卧底警员。The man was an undercover deputy from Iredell County Sheriff's Office.

为调查清楚,麦小龙卧底垃圾处理站。To investigate, he becomes an undercover agent at the waste disposal station.

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事实证明,作为一个卧底,皮斯通清楚该如何正确行动。Turns out that, to go undercover, Pistone knew how to make all the right moves.

卧底警官发现了用于使迷幻药浸透到纸里的毒品制造设备。Undercover officers found drug-making equipment used to impregnate paper with LSD.

另一方面,美玉告知英明爱眉就是金生派来的卧底,英明怒不可竭。On the other hand, Meiyu tells Yingming that Amy is an undercover. Yingming is furious.

三年前,一幅小小画作给卧底特工鲍勃·惠特曼带来了大麻烦。Three years ago, a little painting caused big trouble for undercover agent Bob Wittman.

制止流言蜚语,不要让人做卧底或者打小报告。Discourage gossip, and don't put people in the position of spying or reporting on each other.

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战区司令部内,郝俊杰将卧底的实施细节,向刘司令和盘托出。Command, jun-jie hao will undercover implementation details, to the commander liu told the whole.

孟德斯说,他以前作过很艰苦的工作,但是都没有这次卧底采访的工作辛苦。Mendez said he has worked hard in his life but never as hard as he did while researching this story.

而还有一次,她的团伙成员将一名卧底警探打至昏迷,丢弃在农村地区。On another, her gang members beat an undercover officer unconscious, dumping him in the countryside.

千里追踪路迢迢,生死卧底命悬一线间,化解迷雾重重。Tracking down a road, life and death undercover hanging by a thread, resolving the heavy fog between.

过去探员在卧底行动中用的是雪茄盒大小的纳格拉录音机。Gone are the days when agents caught undercover encounters on Nagra recorders the size of cigar boxes.

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“我扮演美国的一个欧洲有组织犯罪集团中的卧底艺术专家,”惠特曼说。"I played an undercover art expert for a European organized crime group in America, " Wittman explains.

卧底警察在侦查中的犯罪行为合法化,不具有可罚性。Being short of inculpation legalizes the criminal offence of secret policemen in criminal investigation.

乔皮斯通本以为自己只要做六个月的卧底。却不曾想,自己一消失就是六年。Joe Pistone had thought he was going to go undercover for six month. Instead, he vanished for six years.