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啊,中学。Ahh, high school.

他是我们的中学校长。He's our principal.

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圣乔治中学是六年制学校。is a six-year school.

“从中学时起,”我又说。“From high school, ” I add.

我是一名中学老师。I am a middle school teacher.

我在东洲中学。Im in Dongzhou Middle School.

你们能从那DVD中学到什么呢。What you can get on that DVD.

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我母亲是中学老师。We are middle school students.

他是第十九中学的数学教师。He's a maths teacher in the No.

听听你上中学的孩子的想法。Listen to your middle schooler.

欢迎光临大湾中学!Welcome to Dawan middle school!

我姐姐是一名中学教师。My sister is a seconder teacher.

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我已经完成了我的中学会考。I have already finished my HKCEE.

您将从它中学到东西。You will learn something from it.

我在上海中学学习。I study in Shanghai Middle School.

汤姆的父亲是中学校长。Tom's father is a school director.

欢迎到春晓中学来。Welcome to Chunxiao Middle School.

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它们在二十八中学院学习。They study in No. 28 Middle School.

欢迎您来到北京一零一中学!Welcome to Beijing 101 High School!

尽管中学教室不像低年级那样会为提供帮助的家长留出位置,但你仍可以做其他方面的志愿者。But you can volunteer in other ways.