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尽管如此,人们还继续在附近“打游击”,继续种植玉米,精神可嘉。Despite this, the people stuck around and, amazingly, continued to grow their crops.

政变失败后,许多反叛的人上山打游击去了。After the failure of the coup many of the rebels took to the hills and became guerillas.

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日本侵入北平后,他带领他的警察到农村打游击。When Japan captured Peiping, Kao led his gendarmes into the countryside to fight a guerrilla war.

货三十多年前他打游击时,也没拿到过这样的枪。He had never held such a fine weapon, not even in those days of guerrilla warfare thirty years before.

这对于喜欢在战场中和敌人打游击的玩家来说,是一个非常讨人喜欢的改进。It's a refreshing change from when players were admonished in Battlegrounds chat for engaging enemy players.

克里斯托弗并未被恐怖分子发现,因此不断以打游击方式将恐怖分子一个个解决掉。Christopher was not discovered by terrorist, because this is ceaseless in order to work as a guerrilla means terrorist each is solved.

克林伊斯威特2月买下「经典老爷车」剧本,然后以打游击的闪电速度在夏季拍了32天就杀青。Mr. Eastwood bought the script for "Gran Torino" in February, then shot the movie over the summer at a guerrilla filmmaker 's pace, finishing in 32 days.

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克林伊斯威特2月买下「经典老爷车」剧本,然后以打游击的闪电速度在夏季拍了32天就杀青。Mr. Eastwood bought the script in February, then shot the movie over the summer at a guerrilla filmmaker's pace, finishing in 32 days. The fast clip, Mr.

这些攻击手段最可能打击到的是那些大型的服务供应者,他们都是比较听从政府指示的正派机构。网络世界里打游击猎取信息的小型业者比较不受影响。Such assaults are most likely to injure the large service providers, sober institutions more culrturally attuned to their governmental attackers than the info-guerrillas of cyberspace.

他右眼罩着一只黑色眼罩,左臂安着义肢,右手畸形---这些都是过去他在喀布尔跟苏军打游击时,因一次意外爆炸事故而留下的纪念。He had a black patch over his right eye socket, a prosthetic left arm and a deformed right hand, the result of injuries from an explosives mishap during an old operation against the Soviets in Kabul.