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把洋葱切细。Chop an onion finely.

妖怪就是像洋葱!Ogres are like onions!

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然后是洋葱和泡菜。Then onion and pickles.

这汤有洋葱味。The soup tastes of onion.

这汤有一股洋葱味。This soup taste of onions.

用刀将洋葱切碎。Use knife to cut up onion.

他口里散发出洋葱的臭味。His breath reeks of onions.

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肝烩洋葱怎么样?What about liver and onions?

我要点洋葱炒猪肝。I'll have the live and onion.

妈妈过去常腌制洋葱。Mother used to pickle onions.

去皮的洋葱,切成圈。Peeled onion, cut into rings.

白色的洋葱进入锅中。White onions go into the pot.

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这是胡椒洋葱炒牛肉。Here is the fried beef with '.

我吃了洋葱和豆角。I have onions and green beans.

把皮从洋葱上剥下来。Peel the skin from the onions.

洋葱是有层次的,你明白了吗?Onions have layers, you get it?

把洋葱切成丁。Cut the onion into small pieces.

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这个菜里我吃出了洋葱味。I can taste onions in this dish.

让我们把洋葱幼苗移出来。Let's prick the onion plant out.

洋葱里长不出玫瑰。/乌鸦里飞不出金凤凰。An onion will not produce a rose.