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“习惯使然,”最后他说。"Habit, " he says, finally.

两人的命运必须互相凭倚,才得平衡,这种妙用,天意使然,高深莫测!Oh, unfathomable and divine mystery of the balances of destiny!

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这是我们的职责,天性使然,无价值的活,有价值的死,使命的召唤。This is what we do and who we are, live for northing but die for something, your call.

爱的囚徒所剩的时日已经不多了,但是本性使然,我更加关心却是她。The prisoner of love had run out of days. As is my nature, I was more concerned about her.

习惯使然,在这堂课开始时,我要说一些关于,这个主题的事。Custom dictates that I say something about the subject matter of this course at its outset.

如果利益使然,他们也会将立陶宛境内亏损的马泽基艾炼油厂卖给俄罗斯。If it has to, it will sell Mazeikiai, a loss-making refinery in Lithuania, to the Russians.

我们都想受人欢迎,魅力四射,这是人性使然,所以我们会对广告言听计从。Because human nature makes us want to be popular and glamorous, we follow the lead ads give us.

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因为激烈的尘埃颗粒使然,普朗克简单地绘图只为一看尘埃背后的究竟。Since warm dust grains emit microwaves, Planck made its map simply to see what’s behind the dust.

由于行为保全的目的使然,其具有暂定性、简易性、附属性的特点。The characters of act preservation are temporary, simple, auxiliary, being decided by its intent.

由于经济衰退使然,日本国民比以往都来得节约。Japanese citizens, it seems, are becoming thriftier than ever in the wake of the economic downturn.

我完全相信所有事情都是缘份使然,我在这里的时间已成为我另人惊羡的人生经历。I truly believe that things happen for a reason and my time here now has been an amazing experience.

凡政权的存亡,楚政权的存亡,都是出于客观环境的变化所使然,这都是我们所掌握不住的。Rise and fall of Fan or Chu are the changes of objective environments, which are beyond our management.

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性别符号用来表示生命形式的性,或者是通过性来描绘一种使然力量的特征。A gender symbol is a symbol used to denote the sex of a life form or to characterize an agent by gender.

纸醉金迷的上海滩缘分使然,锦绣与左震相遇了。The Shanghai beach lot of live a luxury and dissipation life makes like that, samite and left shake encountered.

我们的所作所为是我们本性使然,还是我们如何被培育,即教育与社会化的结果呢?Is what we do a consequence of our nature, or how we were nurtured – a result of our upbringing and socialization?

倾向于新潮流同步,乃是人性使然,所以应该把赶时髦看成社会权利。The inclination to keep steps with the in-coming fashion is human nature and must be considered as a social right.

在刚刚过去的这个周末,我写了一篇文章,对Android之所以席卷美国市场是否因Apple使然心存疑惑。This past weekend, I wrote a post wondering if Android was surging in the U.S. market because Apple was letting it?

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即便是最小的孩子,也似乎是本能使然,这对他来说很可能是第一场真正的雪呢。Even the littlest one, for whom this must have been the first real snowfall, seemed to know instinctively what to do.

理性官僚制肇始于对专制的反动,却又深陷反民主的"泥潭",是现代性之祸还是官僚制自身逻辑使然?Rational bureaucratic system began in reaction to the anti-autocratic, but is lost deep in anti-democratic "quagmire".

我不由疑惑,在这个日常的世界中,平凡之物上的帷幕被掀开,难道是暮色中的魔力使然?Is this uplifting of the cover of triviality from the everyday world, I wondered, due to some magic in the evening light?