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都是可食用的哦。All is edible.

不要食用发霉的食物。Do not eat moldy foods.

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橄榄油可供食用In certain forms you eat it.

食用臭粉拌匀。Mix fl our with baking powder.

最好只食用低卡沙拉酱。Use only low-calorie dressing.

野鸡肉晾好方可食用。Pheasant needs to be well hung.

这些是食用植物。These plants are used for food.

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过多食用奶酪会让人做噩梦吗?Does cheese give you nightmares?

一天食用不要超过6次。Use no mre than 6 times per day.

但血液是可食用的,我指出。But blood is edible, I point out.

但猪肉和牛肉食用不多。Pork and beef are used sparingly.

这些白磨菇可以食用。These white mushrooms are edible.

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应该食用单不饱和脂肪You have the monounsaturated fat.

埃及是一个食用面包的国家。Egypt is a nation of bread eaters.

猫砂可以食用?Could Cat Litter Mineral Be Edible?

听过可食用的内衣吗?Have you heard of edible underwear?

人们食用药草,牛也一样。People eat herbs, and so do cattle.

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因此,一定要坚持食用粗制全麦。So stick with unrefined whole oats.

适合宝宝自己食用。For lil's ones learning to self-feed.

好,停止食用是一种可能Okay, so withdrawal is a possibility.