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旗竿笔直地竖着。Put the pole up straight.

烟囱笔直地矗立着。The chimney plumbs perfectly.

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挺立成一棵笔直的树木。Straight into a stand of trees.

她已经75岁了,腰板仍然笔直。At 75, she's still ramrod straight.

保持你的姿态笔直竖立。Keepyour posture straight and erect.

这士兵站得笔直。The soldier stood stiff as a ramrod.

保持你的姿态笔直挺立。Keep your posture straight and erect.

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士兵们笔直地立正。The soldiers stood at ramrod attention.

腕部应保持笔直和平整。Wrists should be kept straight and flat.

他虽然已78岁了,但依然个头高挺,腰杆笔直。He's very tall and erect for his 78 years.

高速公路不再是条笔直的路线了。The highway was no longer a straight line.

角度恰当的后膝关节和笔直的飞节。Well-angulated stifles and straight hocks.

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道路两旁笔直的白杨排成行。Erect poplars lined both sides of the road.

断流器盘应是光滑和笔直的。Panel cut- outs shall be smooth and straight.

她昂着头,把背挺得笔直。She held her head erect and her back straight.

这条路笔直地向北延伸。The road runs northwards, as straight as a die.

他就像笔直的内华达公路一样坦率。He is as straight as the Nevada Highway is long.

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她身材高挑,腰杆笔直,气质潇洒。She was tall straight and handsome as she arose.

他挥臂指向笔直的地平线。He waved his arm at the taut wire of the horizon.

行走时,腿向前伸得笔直。The legs proceed straight forward when traveling.