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正好打在他的脸上!Right in his face!

他的脸上有皱纹。His face is wrinkled.

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他的脸上流露出厌恶的神色。He looked his disgust.

她在脸上抹了些香脂。She tallowed her face.

有些人还在拭去脸上的泪水。Some wiped away tears.

他的脸上满是血。Blood covered his face.

她的脸上搽了胭脂。Her cheeks were rouged.

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他使自己的脸上沾着泥。He muddies himself face.

一个微笑使她脸上露出笑靥。A smile dimpled her face.

他的脸上流露出怒容。Anger showed in his face.

你瞧他脸上的那副神气!Get the look on his face!

她的脸上浮泛着愉快的神情。Her face beamed with joy.

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光线映照在他脸上。Light struck on his face.

他往那人脸上啐唾沫。He spat in the man's face.

他的脸上露出了微笑。His face spoke of a smile.

她脸上露出惊恐的神色。Her face registered terror.

阿兰的汗从脸上流了下来。Sweat ran down Alan's face.

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泪珠从她的脸上滑落。Tears droped from her face.

她脸上露出了笑容。Her face broke into a smile.

她的脸上全是狂怒的表情。Her face was a mask of rage.