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可能是平的也可能是突起的。It can be flat or raised.

圆形的隆起或突起。A rounded hump or protuberance.

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无伸展,边界及突起。No stretch, borders, or pop-out.

但你还会看到一些突起。But you see spikes of activities.

此突起部分的一丛毛。A tuft of hair on such a projection.

它有一个大的突起和一个小的突起。It's got a big lobe and a little lobe.

孢子呈椭圆形,表面呈不规则突起、疣状。The spore is oval and has a warty surface.

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每一突起在其上具有至少一个槽。Each protuberance has at least one slot therein.

他在患者身体突起部位,做了几个血液测试。On a hunch, he sent off a couple of blood tests.

并有多个突起呈不规则形状。And the multiple apophysis showed irregular shape.

蒴果卵圆形,长1-1.5厘米,外面有小瘤状突起。Capsule ovoid, 1-1.5 cm long, tuberculate outside.

这些突起的砖块同时也可作为鸟儿栖息的地方。These juts are also functioning as roosts for birds.

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那些突起的区域从约半英里高到一英里高。The humps range from about half a mile to a mile high.

牠的头骨有数根尖状物与瘤状突起。Its skull had several spine- and wart-like protrusions.

暗褐色的浆果,直径约7毫米,具3短角状突起的。Berry dark brown, ca. 7 mm in diam. , with 3 short horns.

而突起中还有一个称为轴突的特殊突起One of these processes, a special one is called the axon.

说明PMA有利于胞体及突起的生长。This suggested PMA benefit the growth of soma and process.

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用细粒度砂纸打磨,除去突起的木纹。With fine-grained sandpaper to remove the protruding wood.

细胞膜向上突起延续构成纤毛的表面。The unit membrane of the cell continues up over each cilium.

森林的中间奇峰突起,挺立的巍峨岩石让我倒吸了一口凉气。From its midst rise spiky, majestic rocks that left me in awe.