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椅子是一种有靠背、有的还有扶手的坐具。There is a chair back, there are some handrails of Zuoju.

坐具不合适,同样也可以引起腰痛。A thing to sit on is improper, also can cause lumbago likewise.

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其次这坐具要安全稳固,不单是材料上,还有十心理上的安全。Secondly this chair's safe, not only material, but also psychological security.

园林坐具是园林空间中一个不可忽略的构成元素。The gardens′ seat devices can not be ignored as essential parts in the garden space.

最近我们学习组合作坐具设计,为造型而争论着。Recently our study group seat together to design chairs and we have made some disagreements.

除此外,坐具与食床正在分离,“床”作为类概念的称谓仍存在。At the same time, sitting furniture are separated from eating bed, only exist in appellation.

因为我的屁股坐下去就意味着我的人身安全就交给了我屁股下的这个坐具。Because I sit on the buttocks means that the person who I gave my buttocks on the security of the chair.

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敦煌石窟壁画所显示的饮食坐姿与坐具、食床的变化相适应,主要有跪坐、胡坐和垂腿坐。From Dunhuang murals, we can trace all changes of eating and drinking gestures with changes of furniture to sit on and eat with such as eating beds, chairs, and desks.

莱舍黎家具不只是传统意义上的坐具或躺具,而是由内而外使用当代科技精制而成的高档休闲品。Our furniture is not just in the traditional sense of sitting or lying, but from the inside out by the use of modern science and technology of high-grade refined leisure goods.

座椅是现代社会办公、学习、休闲、日常生活乃至生产劳动过程中的重要坐具,舒适性是座椅结构设计和功能评价的最主要内容。Chair is the important sitting furniture in modern office work, study, leisure, daily life and industrial work. Comfort and discomfort are the main contents in chair design and functional evaluation.