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你读过英语诗坛上大师级诗人的作品吗?Have you read the great masters of English poetry?

吴绮是清初诗坛一位非常活跃的文人。Wu Qi is a very active poet in early Qing Dynasty.

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唐求,晚唐活跃于诗坛的蜀中诗人。Tang Qiu was an active poet in the late Tang dynasty.

李金发是中国现代诗坛上独树一帜的象征派诗歌的创始者。Li Jinfa has been a pioneer in modern symbolical poetry in China.

也许我们从事牧师职业,也许想步入诗坛。Maybe we want to go into the ministry, maybe we want to go into poetry.

目前的诗坛实际上就是病句诗与薛蟠体的较量。Faulty sentence poetry and Xue pan style are having a contest at present.

不过,此外还出现一种真正的文艺复兴,美国诗坛则有了新气象。But, withal, a real renaissance occurred, and America recovered her poetic voice.

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郭小川以其奉献于当代诗坛的大量战歌赢得了“战士诗人”的称号。Guo Xiaochuan won the title of a soldier-poet for many of his fighting songs sung.

沈千运是盛唐诗坛上一位重要诗人。Shen Qianyun was an important poet during the flouring poetry age in Tang Dynasty.

但在我离开台湾以前,在诗坛上可说是藉藉无名。However, I remained nameless in Taiwan's poetry circle before I left for this country.

叶芝的诗歌在弗罗斯特写诗,出版的时期主导诗坛。Yeats's poetry dominated the poetry world in which Frost began writing and publishing.

唐代诗坛巨星李白,受道家思想影响甚深。Li Bai, the superstar of poetry circles in Tang Dynasty, is deeply impressed by Taoism.

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最后一章论述其诗歌的价值及在诗坛上承前启后的作用。The final chapter discusses the value of his poetry and in poetry on the role of carrying.

对明代诗坛上著名的流派和作家都进行了品评。They have commented on the famous school and writer of poetic circles in the Ming dynasty.

大解是中国当代诗坛中生代诗人,在全国较有影响。Da Xie is a contemporary Chinese poet, with considerable influence around the whole country.

王安石是北宋中期诗坛上一位重要诗人。Wang Anshi is an important poet in the region of poetry in the middle period of Song Dynasty.

他与闻一多相为伯仲,成为影响二、三十年代中国诗坛的风云人物。He was much the same as Wen Yiduo and had great influence on 1920"s to 1930"s poetry of China.

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杨万里在宋代诗坛的地位超过陆游,这是南宋人的看法。According to the critics of the Southern Song Dynasty, Yang Wan-li was a better poet than Lu You.

诗人卞之琳为中国现代诗坛贡献出了一系列知性诗。Poet Bian Zhilin contributes a series of intellectual poems to the modern poetry circle of China.

由此可见,上官婉儿在初唐诗坛是有一定影响的诗人。Thus it can be seen that Shangguan Wan'er was quite an influential poet in the early Tang Dynasty.