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领导要注意体察民情。The leaders should observe the people's condition.

这些任务将考验他们的智慧,胆大和熟知都市民情。The tasks will test their intelligence, chutzpah and street-smarts.

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搞分肥拨款的政客为获得选票、影响民情而发放房租补贴。Pork-barrel politicians hand out rents to win votes and influence people.

由于泰国民情激愤,两国政府都派兵驻守该地区。A public outcry in Thailand caused both governments to send troops to the area.

不过,以香港民情而论,整体反应似乎未算太大。However, in terms of Hong Kong people's sentiment, their net effect is just barely noticeable.

要了解政府的政绩只需要观察民情。To be acquainted with the merit of ministry, we need only observe the condition of the people.

但是,一个国家具体的意见表达方式,会因国情民情的不同而呈现出自己的特点。But the specific ways of expressing vary as a result of different situations in a certain county.

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一路车子开过去,路途中欣赏着这一带别具的民情风格,到了LISHUI我转换车。The way the car drives past, a way to show the people of this area unique style, I change the LISHUI car.

当这种文化形态广泛深入到民间时,又融合当地的风俗民情,展示出了极具特色的魅力。When such a form spreads, it is also combined with different fork customs and hence has its unique charm.

他出生于俄罗斯﹐但却能掌握到美国的民情习俗﹐并将他的理念诉之音乐。But he captured the feeling, the people and the customs of his new country. And he put those ideas to music.

国务卿克林顿将这些组织和网络同政府问责与响应民情挂钩。Secretary Clinton has linked these organizations and networks to government accountability and responsiveness.

1568年的春天,苏格兰的玛丽女王迫于国内激愤的民情,越过边界来到了英格兰。In the spring of 1568 Mary, Queen of Scots, fearing the wrath of her subjects, crossed the border into England.

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他们督促政府兑现竞选承诺,从而促使政府更好响应民情。By pressuring the government to follow through on its campaign commitments, they enhance government responsiveness.

在中国,我最喜欢的就是中国的食物,这里的古老的风俗民情,他们都很有趣。In China, what I like most is Chinese food, and the traditional customs here, which are all very interesting for me.

依托神奇独特的自然景观和绚丽多彩的风俗民情,新疆旅游业的发展令人瞩目。With wonderful and rare natural scenery and colorful ethnic customs, Xinjiang has greatly expanded its tourism sector.

也正是听证制度让行政机关有了更多听民声,恤民情的契机。It also provides a channel for the administrators to hear the voices from people and make more consideration to the people.

的课程,该课程得加以修正以配合当地风俗民情。Conduct courses generally using the RLI curriculum, which may be revised to be consistent with local customs and traditions.

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旅游者还可以走进蒙古包,喝上飘香的奶茶,吃上可口的手抓肉,尽情领略蒙古族民情。Tourists can also enter yurts , the fragrance of tea to drink, eat delicious Shouzhua meat, enjoy a taste of Mongolian people.

赌博是观测风俗民情的一个途径,仅从赌博几乎成为当时的民俗而言,魏晋南北朝时期也是社会风尚奢靡、人性颓废的时代。Gambling was a way to observe the social custom, Weijin and southern and northern dynasties were a extravagant and negative era.

老舍开创了用北京方言写北京民情风俗、道北京人文故事的先河。Lao She opened up public sentiment with Beijing Beijing dialect to write custom, the Dow set a precedent for Beijing human story.