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他略具哲学家风范。He is something of a philosopher.

大家都说你缺少领导风范。Everyone says you lack leadership.

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我喜欢科比只因为他的霸气跟王者风范!I like Kobe because of his domineering and demeanor!

两国领导人需要展示出政治家风范,以及睿智。Their leaders have to show statesmanship and wisdom.

他兼有创造性的想像力和真正的学者风范。He combines creative imagination with true scholarliness.

刚刚,麦凯恩参议员很有风范地给我打了个电话。I just received a terribly grhvacious cisl from Sen. McCain.

再往前,是高大的石坊,俨然给人一种“王者风范”的感觉。Beyond is Shihfang tall, as if giving a "King style" feeling.

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但照片洗出来,还真的有点东施的风范。But the picture wash out, really have a bit east Shi demeanor.

美国明星们甚至承认他们有点被皇室的明星风范迷倒。The American stars even admitted to being a little star-struck.

在失望中仍流露出落落大方的风范是有风度的表现。Being gracious even in disappointment is a sign of good manners.

即使是土狗,其生活习性也有一些名贵狗的风范。Even the hyena, its life habit also have some rare dogs demeanor.

即使人家不了解我的学识,我也不怨怒,不就是君子的风范吗?Not to blame when men do not accept you-is it not like a gentleman?

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君子兰你终于不失往日之情,透出君子之风范。Clivia you finally lose past love, revealing a gentleman's demeanor.

军旗旁那位有良人风致的古罗马女经理具有良人风范。The manly Roman woman manager by the chfirmionship had manwismanner.

而她,也时时刻刻感受到卡斯特罗的英雄气概和领袖风范。And she, also gladne feel castro's inspire heroic and leader demeanor.

但是如今的东园别墅,却难以再见大户人家的风范。However, nowadays the villa shows few signs of a family of distinction.

他的风范与野心标志着他作为一个不真实的黑人男子,一个虚设。His demeanor and ambition mark him as an inauthentic black man, a sellout.

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这有可能修改,以适应中置引擎赛车的运动风范。This is likely to modified to suit the mid- engined car's sportier demeanour.

忠实于英文原意才有国际大品牌的风范。Faithful to the English name intended to have the international brand of style.

如果中国在贸易体系中表现出领导风范,那应该是名副其实。If China acts as a leader in the trading system, it should be recognized as one.