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还要检查土坯超虚拟集。Also check Adobe Ultra Virtual Sets.

但是从事土坯工作的人必须做试验。But people who work with adobe must experiment.

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这项所谓的涂漆工作能帮助保持土坯的粘性。This so-called paint job helps keep the adobe strong.

炉子是要砌的。那有几块土坯就行。A stove will be built up, only needs couple of adobes.

我家住在村子的山坡上,一间土坯的矮房。My family lives in the village hillside, a adobe dwarf room.

后来,他们与该公司合作土坯出售自己的计划。They later partnered with the company Adobe to sell their program.

最常用来加入土坯中以增强强度的材料是稻草。One material that is commonly added to strengthen the adobe is straw.

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土坯和砖都近得很,就堆在我们的房头上。The adobes and bricks were very near, just was in front of our house.

作瓶身的土坯要在1300度左右的高温中烘烤。The clay used for the body was fired at a temperature of around 1300 C.

其他像石灰、水泥等材料也可以加入土坯中以增加强度。Other materials such as lime and cement can be added to strengthen the adobe.

如果你住在土坯粘土或土壤条件占主导地位,防洪系统是一个很好的选择。If you live where clay or adobe dominate soil conditions, flood systems are a good choice.

小屋只有一层,以土坯制成,墙上开有几孔小窗口,像个破败的沙土城堡。The hut, one-story tall and made of adobe, had small windows and was as worn as a sand castle.

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几户人家点起了煤油灯,昏黄的火苗把人的影子放大数倍地映在土坯墙上,摇摇晃晃地自导自演着皮影戏。Several houses lit the kerosene lamps up and the dim flames cast some shapes trambling on the wall.

我坐在那不能移动的土坯凳子上悠闲地吸烟,第一次感觉到劳动会受到人的尊敬。I leisurely smoked while sitting on the immobile adobe-made stool, it was my first time that I found my labor got respect.

那是说,他伏在三重铁丝网下陡峭地朝下削的地方,抬头朝着石块和土坯垒成的胸墙大声呼喊。That is, he had lain down where the ground fell sharply away below the triple belt of wire and shouted up at the rock and earth parapet.

有好几排石板屋顶的房子从溪口升起,标语就写在这些房子的土坯墙上。Several layers of slate-roofed houses rose up from the lip of the stream, and it was on their mud-brick walls that the slogans were chalked.

土屋汽车旅馆,一个很棒有12英寸厚的土坯墙旅馆。不要在乎它的名字,任何人访问库伯佩迪,建议住这个地方。Mud Hut Motel, a nice adobe motel with walls that are 12 inches thick. Despite its name, recommend this place to anyone visiting Coober Pedy.

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在炼制土泥和模制土坯方面,土遇水成泥后具有很好的黏结性能,而且干结硬化后强度有较大的提高。The value of the earth is raised when used to make slurry and adobe because of its high plasticity and intensity when combined with water and thereafter dried.

土坯作为建筑材料已有上千年的历史,用土坯建造的生土建筑以其独特的优势在世界上许多国家广泛使用。Adobe has been a kind of building materials for thousands of years. The earth building built of adobe is widely used in many countries for its unique advantage.

一些土坯照片购物卡通图片刚才解释非常漂亮的设计师鲨鱼将取消我们作为一个猎物,并采取了快照的回忆。Some adobe photo shopped cartoon pictures are just explained very beautifully by the designer that shark will lift us as a prey and took a snapshot for their memories.