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小坂冶炼的相关人士说。Kosaka Smelting stakeholders said.

乡镇企业以冶炼业为主。Township enterprises mainly in smelting industry.

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这大大缩短了一炉钢的冶炼时间。This resulted in greatly reducing the time of a single heat.

该烧结矿可直接用于冶炼含铬生铁。The sinter can be directly used in smelting iron bearing chromium.

在冶炼工业的电弧炉中有效地控制电极电流,对于电弧炉正常运行至关重要。Its very important to control the electrode current of arc furnace.

铁的冶炼就是把氧化铁还原成金属铁。The smelting of iron is a reduction of iron oxide to metallic iron.

西沟石灰石矿是酒钢集团的冶炼熔剂辅料基地。Xigou Limestone Mine are JISCO group flux smelting base accessories.

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这一期间赣州钨冶炼产品产量很小,年总产量不到2000吨。But the output of the tungsten products was still less than 2,000 tons.

该直接还原铁是电炉冶炼优质钢和特殊钢的理想原料。Such DRI is a high quality charge for electric arc furnace steel making.

其主要功能是当时采矿、冶炼生产过程中的管理、仓储、转运中心。It was warehouse, transfer center in the process of ore mining and melting.

作为原料的生铁的质量对冶炼钢铁的质量有决定性的影响。The quality of pig iron as raw material has decisive effect on steelmaking.

冶炼后的液态渣经过热泼等处理即成为水泥熟料。The smelted liquid slag then change to cement mature after sprinkle cooling.

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提高冶炼强度,应与降低焦比并举。Both enhancing the smelting intensity and lowing the coke rate are necessary.

在这道门里,焦化和冶炼工厂源源不断地产出生铁和钢材。Inside, coking, sintering and smelting plants churned out crude iron and steel.

大闹天宫后,孙悟空遭擒拿被打入八卦炉冶炼。After the havoc in heaven monkey king is captured and sealed in a magic furnace.

炉底上涨是制约硅钙冶炼的一个重要因素。The furnace bottom's rise is an important factor to restrict the Ca-Si smelting.

原矿是不能直接用于高炉冶炼的,必须事先对之加工处理。Raw ore cannot be used directly in blast furnace. It must be prepared beforehand.

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铜矿石开采后,多在开采地冶炼成铜锭后再运输到铸铜作坊。Copper ores are mainly transported to copper workshop after smelt to copper ingot.

宝钢提出了一种竖炉冶炼铬铁新工艺,其炉缸工况不同于高炉和电炉。The new craft of smelting chrome iron by shaft furnace was performed by Bao steel.

尾矿可作为土法冶炼氧化锌的原料。The tailing may be used as raw material to smelt zinc oxide by indigenous methods.