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对放债者来说是收获的季节。Harvest time for the moneylenders.

年内,放债人注册处共收到864宗申请。During the year, 864 applications were received.

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放债的比借债记性好。The lender has a better memory than the borrower.

其它国家的小额放债人也面临着危机。Other countries' microlenders, too, have had crises.

我劝你不要求助于放债的人。I don't advise you go have recourse to the money- lenders.

放债者都是罪恶的剥削者。He denounced all landlords and money-lenders as evil predators.

越来越多穷人受昧良心的放债人摆布。Poor people are increasingly at the mercy of heartless money-lenders.

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本条例第18条列出关于放债人作出贷款的规定。Section 18 sets out the requirements relating to loans made by a money lender.

那位放债者,一个又老又丑的人,看上了农夫的漂亮女儿。The moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the farmer's beautiful daughter.

放债的比借债记性好。美国总统富兰克林。Creditors have better memories than debtors. Benjamin Franklin. American president.

你可以找一位叫夏洛克的放债者借钱,他的手头总是有钱的。You can borrow money from a moneylender named Shylock. He always has money on hand.

一些农民被迫交出粮食册作为抵押,从放债者那获得贷款。Some farmers hand over their food ration booklets to moneylenders as collateral for cash loans.

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在威尼斯住着一位名叫夏洛克的放债者,他通过向商人放债赚了很多钱。There lived a moneylender named Shylock in Venice. He earned a lot by lending money to merchants.

它放债十亿美元试图快速启动商业地产,小型企业和信用卡贷款。It lent billions trying to jump-start commercial real estate, small business and credit-card lending.

从历史上讲,放债人的存在可以追溯到,谁知道多久以前,数千年前吧Historically, money lenders of one sort or another go back -who knows how far back -thousands of years.

这个放债人又老又丑,却十分垂涎商人家中女儿的美貌,于是他提出要跟商人做笔交易。The moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the merchant's beautiful daughter so he proposed a bargain.

如借款人提出书面要求,放债人亦须供给与该宗贷款有关或与保证有关的任何文件的副本。The money lender must also, upon a request in writing, supply a copy of any document relating to the loan or security.

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放债者会塞钱给办事员,让他们用配给卡去囤积国家补贴的粮食、食糖和燃料。In turn, moneylenders slip money to clerks to let them use the ration cards to collect the subsidized grain, sugar and fuel.

金融机构发觉,现在除国家之外,自己很难从别人那里借到钱,而他们自己也极不情愿向别人放债。Financial institutions are finding it hard to borrow from anyone but the state—and they are reluctant to lend to anyone else.

很久以前,在意大利的一座小镇上有一位商人,财运不济欠了一个放债人一大笔钱。Many hundreds of years ago in a small Italian town, a merchant had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to the moneylender.