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没有水地里长不出粮食。Without water the earth grows no food.

适宜黄土高原冷凉区水地种植。The normal region is cold irrigated areas of Loess Plateau.

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随着水地,它有一个可爱的喷雾和满足健全。As the water lands, it has a lovely spray and satisfying sound.

水地能量是因为太阳生成水蒸气,然后下雨而发生地。Water power results from the sun's creating vapor and subsequent rain.

他已经在沙漠中没水地待了两天,口渴极了。Having been in the desert without water for two days, his thirst was unquenchable.

以上两者频繁地与水地过度使用相结合,尤其是在农业生产中。This is frequently combined with the excessive use of water especially in agriculture.

通过理论计算和水地测试,验证了理论的正确性。The correctness of this theory is verified by theoretical calculation and tank experiment.

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他将休息一周,之后我们将让他在水地和沙地进行训练,再对情况进行评估。He will have to stop for a week and then we will start to work on water and on the sand and we will evaluate the situation.

维持美国家庭顺风顺水地漂荡了十年的信贷,与麦道夫制作的业务报表类有相同。The credit that has kept American families afloat for the past 10 years is similar to those Madoff-produced brokerage statements.

以北京高碑店二级出水为对象,进行了二级出水地下回灌的DGB深度处理工艺的风险评价。The secondary effluent from Gaobeidian Sewage Treatment Plant was treated with the DGB tertiary process for groundwater recharge.

在灌浆过程中,旱地小麦在干旱条件下蔗糖代谢比水地小麦活跃。Under severe drought, sucrose content and the SPS activity and SS activity all decline in the flag leaves, stems and grains of three wheat varieties.

在干旱条件下两个旱地小麦产量高于水地小麦的原因,经分析是从千粒重和穗粒数方面得到了补偿。The yields of two drought-resistance wheat were higher than moisture sensitive wheat, which were compensated by Grain weight and grain number per panicle.

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本文对晋中盆地水地冬小麦区麦收后营养钵育苗移栽夏玉米的生长发育规律进行研究。This paper studied the seedling transplantation summer maize's growth patterns, which was planted in the irrigatal and fertile land of central area of Shanxi province.

拉斯维加斯的含水地下层已经干涸了,Meade湖的水已经不能维持这座旅游业城市的需求了,这使人们对它还能支撑多久抱有大量的怀疑。The Las Vegas aquifer has dried up, and Lake Meade can’t support the demand of this tourist-heavy metropolis, leaving it asking very hard questions about sustainability.

设计者规划新的旅游区、购物中心、办公大楼、住宅区的时候,必须将不透水地面的使用率降到最低,而尽量将有植物覆盖的地表面积提高到最大。When planning new resorts, shopping centers, office complexes and residential subdivisions, the designers must minimize the use of impervious surfaces and maximize the amount of vegetated areas.

从日常生活的角度而言,则希望通过融合丰富的绿树、滨水地带和雕塑元素,为上下班、上下学途中提供一个安全而舒适的生活空间。The concept for daily perspectives aimed to recreate a safe and comfortable open space for communication to and from work and school, by harmonizing affluences of greenery, waterfront and sculptures.