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冒号开头代表新的一行或一段前空格。A colon indents a line or paragraph.

冒号意味着一段代码的开始,这里的意思就是。The colon's identifying a block of code.

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每个部分用冒号隔开。The semicolon separates each of the parts.

后面跟的是,你可以看到,It,is,followed,,as,you,can,see,there,一些表达式,跟的是一个冒号。IF by some expression, followed by a colon.

这里也一样,应当在冒号之后加破折号。Here, too, the lon must be followed by a sh.

用户名不能含有空格或冒号!The login may not contain spaces or colons !

口令不能含有冒号或空格!The password may not contain colons or spaces!

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冒号将主机名与显示器名称分隔开。The colon separates the hostname from the display name.

你能通过在页面名称中的一个冒号使用名字空间。You can use namespaces by using a colon in the pagename.

在这个示例中,只使用冒号后面的字符。In this case you only use the characters after the colon.

还请注意在冒号后面有一个空白字符。Also note that there is a space character after the colon.

句号,叹号,句号,问号,逗号,冒号。Period, exclamation marks, period, question mark, comma, colon.

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因此,这里有5个原因你应该使用一个冒号净化系统。So, here are 5 reasons why you should use a colon cleanse system.

对于有前缀的名称,本地部分是冒号之后的部分。For a prefixed name, the local part is what comes after the colon.

这种格式是行界定、冒号分隔的属性-值对。The format is line-delimited, colon-separated attribute-value pairs.

实际上,这个冒号很重要,让我把这里强调下。And in fact, that colon is important, so let me stress this over here.

我希望测试的结果值的类型,是Boolean的,后面是个冒号。I'm expecting the value that test to be a Boolean. Followed by a colon.

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如果一个方法没有参数,第一个关键字之后的冒号将可以忽略。If a method has no parameters, the colons after the first can be omitted.

称谓后面是要用冒号、逗点仍是破折号。My question is whether to use a colon, comma, or dash after the salutation.

我想要一个整型数,一个冒号,和一个,使其更美观的空格。I'd like an integer please, a colon, and a space just for aesthetic reasons.