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智者一言足矣/明白人不用细说。A word to the wise is enough.

无须细说。It's unnecessary to go into details.

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因为任务的保密原则,柳时镇无法细说。Because the task of confidentiality, liu town cant elaborate.

美联储没有细说可能采取什么措施,或可能在什么时候采取措施。The Fed didn't elaborate on what it might do or when it might do it.

他还说萨那德可能有“国外网络连接”,但并未细说。He added that Sanad might have "foreign links, " without elaborating.

这里很老套,让她扮演了好几个角色让我来细说其中的几个。It's that conventionality that then allows her to occupy multiple roles.

后来就是一长串的省略号,就不细说了。Here I need to put a long series of ellipsis so I account for no details.

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对不起,现在还不能细说,因为这会暴露我们看到和没看到的。Not yet because that would reveal which ones we have seen and which we have not.

首先我会细说基本的想法,然后我重述那些改动的地方。First I’ll go through the basic idea, then I’ll iterate through a few variations.

纳塔利•王说RIM准备在未来开设多家零售店,但没有细说详情。RIM plans to open future retail BlackBerry stores in China, Wang said, but did not provide details.

本讲座会以这些艺术家的作品,向大家细说当年这段香港艺术故事。The speaker will introduce those artists' works and tell the stories of the art communities in the 1950s.

马利克命名赫哈马德阿明蒂萨迪,谁已被逮捕,因为“主要经营者”中的情节,没有细说。Malik named Hamad Amin Sadiq, who has been arrested, as the "main operator" in the plot, without elaborating.

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哥哥离世一年,胡军首次细说他与哥哥相识一年�的深厚交情。Gor Gor passed away already for a one year, this is the first time he talked about his close relation with Gor Gor.

伊蔻广场不仅帮助您挑选无害颜料,而且还会为您细说选择哪些颜料会影响婴儿的睡眠类型。Ecomall not only helps you pick non-toxic paints, it also details how color choices can affect your baby’s sleeping patterns.

如此地“细说心中事”不但可以缓和紧张,并可对困难引发新的解决方法。Such land " the thing in dilatancy heart " not only can alleviate nervous, can initiate new means of settlement to difficulty.

他不厌其烦细说自己家世显赫,自古就是高门贵族。Given an audience with President Lincoln, he discoursed at length on the high and ancient nobility of his distinguished family.

然而某些人也许多少有点感触。任何惜别的埸合,都难免引起离愁别绪。容我稍后再细说。But here and there, perhaps there will be a touch of personal sadness as is true of any departure, a point to which I shall return.

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纵观我国海洋这近五百年兴衰沉浮的历史,我们还得从海禁这项政策细说。In order to make a comprehensive view of the ups and downs in this 500-year-old history, we have to study this ban on maritime trade.

他没有细说这是否意味着增加军舰或其他军队,但他强调不会削减预算。He did not elaborate on whether that would mean adding ships or other forces, but he emphatically said budget cuts would not be a factor.

这篇文章充斥着大男子主义和关于人类性行为的错误假设。我将从头开始为您细说。The article is fraught with incredibly sexist and false assumptions about human sexuality. I'll just start at the top and work my way down.