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昆虫吃树叶就是一条食物链的一层。An insect eating a leaf is a chain of one.

污染影响的不仅仅是这些,还进入了人的食物链。The impact may well have spread into the human food chain.

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像人类一样,鲸鱼也是处于海洋食物链的顶端。Like humans, they stand at the top of the marine food chain.

在环境中,二恶英容易聚积在食物链中。In the environment, dioxins tend to accumulate in the food chain.

你们是实习医生,普通工作人员,不重要,处在外科食物链的最底层。Your interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain.

龟吃掉吃叶子的昆虫就形成了一条食物链上的两层。A turtle eating the insect that eats the leaf makes a chain of two.

它的瓜果喂养了纳米比亚境内食物链上的各种动物。Nara melon, is a staple of Namib species at every rung of the food chain.

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科学家说,如果鲨鱼灭绝,就会象“打地鼠”游戏一样引发食物链的崩溃。If sharks die off, you could have a food chain Whac-a-Mole, scientists say.

今天,在错综复杂的食物链上,问题可能出现在任何环节。Today, problems can arise from any link or kink in a convoluted food chain.

对于我们这些爬向食物链顶端的人来说,决不能心慈手软。For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy.

秸秆资源和腐食食物链的开发是技术关键。Its technical key is to explore straw resources and saprophagous food Chains.

食物链以一种更隐蔽的方式放大了石油泄漏的影响。The food chain has magnified the effect of the spill in other insidious ways.

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因为为我们残忍的食物链感到心碎,所以我把素食主义作为题材。I write of veganism because my heart breaks at the cruelty of our food system.

单细胞浮游生物是形成深海食物链的基础。Unicellular planktonic groups form the basis of the food chain in the deep sea.

泡泡堆直到一个或多于四个泡泡时食物链序列被完成。Bubbles pile up until one or more 4-bubble "food chain" sequences are completed.

在大多数国家中建立强大的食品安全系统,确保全球安全食物链。strong food safety systems in most countries to ensure a safe global food-chain.

本文考虑一类简单食物链模型,其中被捕食者对于第一捕食者具有群体防卫能力。This paper considers a class of one-linear 3-species models of simple food chains.

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在工业化的养殖厂,牛以玉米为食。这是食物链中又一个危险的环节。Corn-fed cows on industrial feed lots are another part of this dangerous food chain.

所以,比起那些处于食物链底端的动物,那些处在食物链顶端的肉食动物体内则富含有更多的污染物质。So the top predators have a lot more contaminants than those lower on the food chain.

因此,它的消失将对整个海洋食物链产生重大影响。Its disappearance would therefore have a major impact on the entire marine food chain.