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你的文章行文冗赘,弄得我有点糊涂了。I got lost in your rather diffuse essay.

在文本字段可以三次点击选择正行文本。Should triple-clicking select whole text in text fields.

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在这个示例中,它读取第一行和第二行文本。In this example, it reads the first and second lines of text.

本文通过运用大量的案例分析,希望能使行文表达通俗易懂。The paper uses substantive cases to make it demotic and pellucid.

他那本已十分简练的行文甚至变得更紧凑、更电文式了。His already terse prose had become even tighter, more telegraphic.

为明晰起见,平铺视图中的第一行文本始终是项名。For clarity, the first line of text in a tile is always the item's name.

该属性决定该控件第一行文字的基线纵坐标。Determines the baseline y-coordinate of the first line of text of the component.

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但是它行文的精致和内省,言语的机敏又使它不落此窠臼。But it is also delicate, introspective and mercurial, which ensures that it's not.

很快地从头到尾地浏览全文,看看该论文如何流畅地行文。Give the whole paper a quick read from front-to-back, and see how the paper flows.

此该,您已经拥有一个功能完善的命令行文件格式转换器。At this point, you have a fully functional command-line translator for file formats.

行文力求贯彻读者本位观念,这是作者平民意识的反映。His works are reader -oriented, which reflects his consciousness of ordinary people.

人们总是在取舍之间徘徊犹豫不决。行文流畅,主题鲜明。People always have difficulty in making choices. Fluent description and clear topic.

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但是不要认为你能行文自然,你的作品就毫无瑕疵。But do not assume that because you have acted naturally your product is without flaw.

如果随后进行粘贴,则会粘贴整行文本及其行尾字符。If you then paste, the text of the entire line and its end-line character are pasted.

结构如果太重修饰,行文如果太浮夸,那你写出来的东西就没救了。Too much ornamentation on the frame, or garishness in the pattern, and you're a goner.

要避免行文下流,只需一味在文章卖弄学问、装腔作势即可。Surely, it is but a mechanical rule for avoiding what is low, to always pedantic and affected.

可以行文,可以弄墨,可以把玩生活,醉的正是这种神韵脱俗的姿态。You can read, you can get ink, you can play with life, drunk It is this charm refined posture.

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马德里,舞者夜行文人昼饮之痛并快乐城市。Madrid, a city of night-walking dancers and day-drinking scholars. A city of pleasure and pain.

当写几行文本的时候,是从一条基线到另一条基线的垂直距离。This is the vertical distance from one baseline to the next when writing several lines of text.

作品在基于现实的基础上,采用浪漫主义手法行文,着意表现爱的奇迹。Works on the basis of reality, romantic way with wording deliberately show the miracle of love.