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然而,足球运动员是知道头球路数的。However, soccer players know that there is a proper way to head the ball.

高智商科幻电影通常有两种截然不同的路数。High-concept science-fiction movies tend to go in two different directions.

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记牌就是要掌握这位对手玩牌的路数,看他是哪一类型的高手。Note card is to control the opponent playing style, he is what kind of master.

当然,在实际工作中,科学家们并不总是遵循课本上的路数。Of course, in practice, scientists do not always follow the textbook strategies.

实施素质教育不能搞短期行为,不能沿袭过去的工作路数、照搬传统工作模式。The quality education is a long-term work and can't use the traditional way of work.

我们将把真正标准的路数叫做“必要条件与充分条件方法”。We can call this standard approach the method of necessary and sufficient conditions.

这本书和前作同样精彩,哗众取巧的路数甚至更多,而仍然存在的争议也预示着作者将会卷入一场新的论战之中。But there are also arguments that promise to expose its authors to a new kind of controversy.

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我和他们去年一路来,就觉得路数不对,只有陆子潇是个大冤桶!Last year when I came here with them I thought something was not right. Lu Tzu-hsiao is the big fool!

你会意识到自己在有些事情上确实懂得不多,比如追求女生,或是按照特定路数行动。You realize there are things you really don't understand about courtship or just acting in a certain way.

他也说到,谷歌内部有一些自己做事的路数,整个访谈中这个话题被多次提起。He also says Google has a certain way of doing things internally, a theme comes up repeatedly later in the interview.

学者对于开创力相对贫乏的弗拉戈那尔居然能够开展如此新奇的路数,不免啧啧惊奇。Scholars have expressed amazement that the rather unimaginative Fragonnard could indulge in such an innovative approach.

系统具有硬件电路简单、成本低、采集路数多和性能稳定的优点。This system is of the advantages of simple hardware design, lower cost, many input collection routes and stable functions.

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在链路层面,分析采用H-ARQ和AMC之后的有效链路数据速率与接收信噪比的对应关系。In the link level, the relationship of efficient link data rate and received SNR is analyzed with research on H-ARQ and AMC.

“自动矢量处理”实现了在自然数据基础上网状径路数据自动产生、快速运算。The way of automatic vector processing accomplishes automatically generation of reticulation route data and quick operation.

为减轻非对称链路对算法的影响,提出了链路数据转发服务,来发现由于单向链路而不能被发现的出邻居。The link layer relay service presented in this paper mitigates the effect of asymmetric links so as to discover more neighbors.

在分层图算法中,业务放置顺序的优化对组播树总链路数的减少也有一定帮助。Besides, in layered graph algorithm, optimized traffic arrangement sequence also helps reduce the total link number of the multicast tree.

当唯英雄化的创作路数让位于多元化时,平民文学自然再度勃兴,并显示出久远的生命力。As the heroic creation gave way to a varied writing, the popular literature rose again naturally and showed its life-force for a long time.

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已经设立的其他委员会也是这个路数,包括临时成立对付特殊事件的调查委员会也是如此”。Same goes for other committees that have been set up, including ad hoc investigative committees charged with addressing specific incidents.

扎金花记牌实用技巧就两个内容,一是记住对手每一局所握着的胜利牌,掌握对手玩牌的路数。Jinhua bar note card practical tips on two contents, one is to remember the opponent each bureau holds the victory, grasp the match play style.

为了提高载波机的有效传输带宽,可采用多路数字韦瓦复调制的原理来实现载波机的单边带调制。To increase the effectively transmitted bandwidth, digital multiplex channel Weaver complex modulation is employed to implement SSB modulation.