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一位尽责的家庭主妇总是把家收拾得乾乾净净的。A good housewife should keep her house spic -and-span.

尽力尽责去做,其余的都给他吧。Try my best to do the work, put others into His hands.

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我认为,我们应该对我们的兄弟姐妹尽责。A. I feel we're responsible for our brothers and sisters.

尽管人们证明他是一个认真尽责的帮手。It turns out, though, that he was a conscientious helpmate.

我们先来瞧瞧房间内部,再来细谈这位Pascal到底有多尽责。Let's see what the room looks like before I go into more detail.

国家法庭在依法执行的体系内尽责。National courts operate inside established systems of law-enforcement.

班级工作尽心尽责,在同学中能起到表率作用。Due diligence work classes, students can play in the play a leading role.

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弼马温尽责尽职,经常到天河去饮马。The marshal is very responsible, and always waters the horses at Tian River.

处方容器片刻使尽责的外国顾客不省人事。The recipe recipient transiently made the conscientious alien client unconscious.

这项投票也显示出媒体没有尽责做到自己的工作--报道事实真相。The poll also shows the media have failed to do their job of telling the true story.

他们会详查异常项目,采取所有者的尽责态度。They scrutinise unusual items and bring a proprietor's conscientious attitude to bear.

只有在日常事务上尽责的人,才能在重大事情上尽责。Only they who fulfill their duty in everday matters will fulfill them on great occasions.

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他尽责地从头到尾不离席地看宛那些他职责上必检查的影片。He conscientiously sat through the movies which it was one of his official duties to censors.

对尽责的年轻队友喊出的爱国口号,我记得她会给予一两个白眼。I remember an eye-roll or two at the dutiful patriotic mantras spouted by a younger teammate.

许多创始人会因合作者对事业是否尽责而产生误解,进而发生冲突。Lots of co-founder conflict can stem from misunderstandings around how committed everyone is.

在以后工作学习中我更会虚心学习、积极工作、尽忠尽责做好本职工作。In the course of study after work I will humbly learn, to work, Jinzhong committed to our work.

他们勤勉尽责,正是他们那“扬基式的机灵”和务实精神创立了职业道德。Industrious, responsible, it was their "Yankee ingenuity" and practicality that created the work ethic.

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尽管如此我还是很尽责的几乎不图报酬的修复这些吉他只为了让我的顾客满意。Somehow I feel responsible and wind up doing the job for almost nothing just to keep my customers happy.

如果城市的救助站能够尽责,我们上街就不会为要不要给乞丐钱而困惑了。If the helping offices of our city can do their jobs responsibly, there will be no beggars on the street.

这一进展的最大功劳归于尽责的政府和国家规划工作人员。The greatest credit for the progress rests with committed governments, and the staff of national programmes.