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推子也是贴图的。Fader is also a map of.

要不要我用理发推子理后面的头发?Shall I use the clipper on the back?

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要不要我用理发推子理头背的头发?Shall I use the clippers on the back?

新的功能是主控功能和推子。New are the controller functions and sliders.

四主输出控制主输出推子个人。Four master outputs controlled by individual main output faders.

提高你的个人影片新增专业寻找推子影响。Enhance your personal videos by adding professional looking fader effects.

通道推子,巴士推子,和交叉给你的键值平稳控制。Channel faders, bus faders, and a crossfader give you smooth control of key values.

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微曲和普通推子将不再显示‘能量护盾加成’属性。MicroWarpdrives and Afterburners will no longer list a 'Shield HP Bonus' attribute.

每8804通道推子有直接输出,这些可以设置为前或推子后。Each 8804 channel fader has a direct output, and these can be set to pre- or post-fader.

在尼夫8804不仅增加推子控制到8816,它提供了扩展的功能。The Neve 8804 not only adds fader control to the 8816, it provides expanded functionality.

该粉喷桩-700特点超精密通道推子,而可选包回转也可配合混合风格。The DJM-700 features ultra-precise channel faders, while an optional rotary kit is also available to suit mixing style.

它们的特点是发光二极管与剪辑,独唱潘控制开关和调节信号在个别位置的立体图像推子。They feature individual faders with CLIP LEDs, SOLO switches and PAN controls to adjust the signal's position in the stereo image.

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阿推子范围从分贝至12dB的切换帮助你从你在你所面临的形势造最好的声音。A fader range switchable from 6dB to 12dB helps you to get the best possible sound from your rig in the situation you are faced with.

翻车机中的铁牛和重推子系统是翻车机系统全线实现自动化的关键。The iron bull transmission and heavy pusher system in a turn over truck are vital to the full automation of the turn over truck system.

针对工业系统中广泛存在的时变特性,提出一种新的递推子空间辨识算法,实现对系统状态空间模型的在线递推估计。A new recursive subspace identification algorithm is proposed for the recursive estimation of state space model of linear time-varying systems.

您还能够取得4巴士,让你指定多种渠道,比方说全部的鼓包或中等支出国度全部的备份歌手麦克风到单个推子。You also get four buses, allowing you to assign multiple channels—say all the mics on a drum kit or all the backup singers' mics—to a single fader.

XL系列的表盘被分配到全部的色彩,不只让您能够紧张地找到每一个功用,而且还疾速肯定相应的推子。All dials on the XL series are assigned to colors that not only allow you to easily locate each function, but to also quickly identify corresponding faders.

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所有这一切维诺似乎都没有注意到,弓着身子一声不响地站在我们脖子后面,手悬在空中咔咔舞弄着推子。All this in front of Cerviño, who seemed to notice nothing, bent in silence over the backs of our necks, clicking his scissors in the air from time to time.

如果你宁愿使用音量推子去控制输出,我们建议你直接在音源和调音台的输入通道中设置压缩器。If you would rather have this volume fader control output, we suggest that you set up the compressor directly between the source and the mixer channel's input.

基于投影估计子空间跟踪算法提出了一种新的可用于时变结构模态参数识别的递推子空间方法。A novel recursive subspace method is presented for pseudo-modal parameter identification of time-varying structures based on projection approximation subspace tracking algorithm.