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我的秘书是个难得的人才。My secret is a treasure people.

她现在在一家律师事务所当临时秘书。She is now temping in a law office.

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他们开始催眠那些秘书。They started hypnotising the secretaries.

你能不能给我安排一个秘书工作?can you fix me up with a secretarial job?

他给我的办公室安排了两名秘书。He staffed my office with two secretaries.

在美国,你向县秘书核对。S. , you check this with the County Clerk.

做秘书是在埋没她的才能。Secretarial work is a waste of her talent.

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我有一些做秘书的经验。I have some experience in secretarial work.

首先,它们仿如我的私人秘书。First, they will be like private secretaries.

秘书们对老板是言听计从。The secretaries were all things to their bosses.

你有什么做秘书的经验?What kind of secretarial experience do you have?

好的秘书知道如何记好留言。Good secretaries know how to take a good message.

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“我知道得可清楚呢。”宗教秘书回答。"I know it pertinently, " replied the protonotary.

所有的秘书和人事专员都不见了。All the secretaries and office personnel were gone.

又或者,你跟你的秘书一起去餐厅吃饭。Or maybe you go to a restaurant with your secretary.

在那之前她也做过许多秘书性质的工作。She held many secretarial positions before that too.

突然,我得秘书咣的一声撞进办公室。Suddenly, my sectary blasted through my office door.

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速记是秘书工作中重要的一项。Stenography is an essential part of secretarial work.

秘书群的服装仪容及仪态是否符合专业秘书形象?。How is the grooming and deportment of our secretaries?

关于经理室新来的秘书,有什么闲话吗?Theres dirt on the affair between Jessica abd the manager.