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对可见光透明。Transparent to visible light.

可见光的能量是多少?What is the E of visible light?

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为什么对可见光透明呢?Why is it transparent to visible light?

当然,利用可见光通信也存在局限性。There are limitations to using light, of course.

氯化钠晶体对可见光透明。A sodium chloride crystal is transparent to visible light.

其中大部分是可见光,所以我们很清楚地感觉到它。Much of this is visible light, so that we are well aware of it.

所以光辐射只是可见光释放出的能量。So optical radiation is just visible light energy spreading out.

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新的土星环用可见光望远镜很难看到。Thering would be difficult to see with visible-light telescopes.

环将很难看到可见光望远镜。The ring would be difficult to see with visible-light telescopes.

有效防止紫外线A和紫外线B照射和屏幕红外线和可见光。Blocks UV-A and UV-B rays and screens infra-red and visible light.

和可见光对比,太阳的黑体光谱是怎样的?How does the blackbody spectrum of the sun compare to visible light?

并使激子吸收峰从红外波段进入可见光波段。And it makes the absorption peak of the exciton move to higher energy.

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它通过光学相关器转换成可见光图像信息。It is transformed into visible light image through optical correlator.

激光束可以用来使红外线向上变频成为可见光。A laser beam can be used to up-convert infrared light to visible light.

使用上转换材料可有效地将红外射线转换为可见光。Upconversion material can convert infrared radiation into visible light.

可见光和红外图像配准时的变换为仿射变换。Originally, the distortion between infrared and visible images is affine.

如今,望远镜是用不可见光拍照的。Today, telescopes take pictures using forms of light hidden from the eye.

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可见光图来自亚历桑那基特峰国家天文台。The optical images are from the Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona.

并已制造了可在红外光和可见光波段工作的隐身器件。Related cloaks have been made to work with infrared rays and visible light.

经紫外可见光扫描分析表明为黄烷醇类物质。Ultraviolet and visible light scanning analysis showed they were flavanols.