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这是个喧闹的系统。This is a noisy system.

收音机发出喧闹的声音。The radio is blaring out.

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这是喧闹的美食街。Travel and noisy Food Street.

德布西是细致又喧闹的吗?Is Debussy both subtle and blatant?

还只是喧闹春天的传令兵。And only herald to the gaudy spring.

地怒视那个喧闹的男孩。The teacher scowled at the noisy boy.

他一听到喧闹的音乐就兴奋,而我则不然。He gets off on loud music,but I don't.

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我受够这里的喧闹了。I've had enough of the noisiness here.

老师对他那喧闹的课堂板着脸。The teacher scowled at his noisy class.

在喧闹的房间中,四目相投的时候给她眨眼示意。Wink at her from across a crowded room.

恐怕一艘航空母舰也没有如此喧闹。An aircraft-carrier might be less noisy.

平时喧闹的课堂刹时静了下来。The usually noisy class watched silently.

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这将被视为无意义的喧闹。This will be seen as pointlessly annoying.

喧闹的车站又重新安静下来。Bacchic station new and quiet to come down.

在喧闹中提高你的音量至让别人听到的程度Raising your voice to be heard over the din

有些人在公共生活的喧闹中才旺盛。Some thrive on the buzz of communal living.

所有这些噪杂喧闹快把我逼疯了。All this noise and bustle will drive me mad.

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喧闹过后,她平安无恙,世贸没被拉倒。After all the commotion she is safe and sound.

五十到百来位村民在一旁拥挤喧闹。Fifty to a hundred villagers were milling about.

对不起。我喜欢安静的地方。我不喜欢喧闹。Sorry. I like a quiet place. I do not like noise.