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损害一个强大的品牌可能只需要一朝一夕。It can take awhile to damage a strong brand.

向低碳能源转变不会是一朝一夕的事。The transition to low carbon energy can't just happen overnight.

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现在该有的我们都有了,包括很多应用程序,但是桌面系统市场是很难进入的,因为用户习惯很难在一朝一夕改变,我们只能说在将来的某一天能实现这个目标。It's hard to get people to change their habits. That said, we'll get there someday.

压力不会从你生活里消失,压力控制也非一朝一夕之功。Stress won't disappear from your life. And stress management isn't an overnight cure.

进军C2C,支付、信用体系平台等的建立并非一朝一夕就能完成。March C2C, pay, credit system platform build be not in one day to be able to be finished.

品牌塑造一如人格的塑造,非一朝一夕之功。Just like personality molding, the brand image – building is not the matter of a single day.

哪个女的乐意天天面对这张貌寝脸一朝一夕就会讨厌了痛恨了。Which woman is willing to face this ugly face every day, over time it will disgust, and resentment of the.

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我们一直持之以恒,把低碳环保落实到一朝一夕的行动中去。Since the first day we entered school, we have been committed to live a low-carbon and environmentally friendly life.

以巴水问题和土地问题、政治问题等纠缠在一起,与中东和平进程密切相关,不会在一朝一夕内得到解决。The problem has close links with the land problem and the political problem, and it could not be settled in a short time.

多伦多原是印地安人在湖边买卖打猎物品的场合,一朝一夕,逐步成了人们聚集之地。Toronto was originally a hunting Indians trade goods in the lake place, over time, gradually it has become a collection place.

丰田巨大的神秘感或许消失了,但是这是一家筹建几十年的公司,其成功并非一朝一夕。The outsized Toyota mystique may begone, but this is a company that got to where it is by planning in decades, notmonths or days.

我今天列举的目标并非一朝一夕就能实现,要实现这些目标必须对这一至关重要的机构进行改革。The goals I've outlined today cannot be achieved overnight -- and they cannot be achieved without reform in this vital institution.

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这两种巨大威胁的发展,已非一朝一夕,都是人类长久以来忽略了共业招感的恶果然。The development of these two huge crises did not just happen overnight. They are both the ugly results of people neglecting the mass consequences of mass karma over a very long period of time.

任何成就的取得,都非一朝一夕可为,那些梦想超速成长的念头无异于揠苗助长,是违背自然规律的行为,终究害己。Any achievements are overnight for those who dream of the idea of speeding the growth is tantamount to Yamiaozhuzhang, the behavior is contrary to the laws of nature, after all others and themselves.