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对爱我真挚,描摹只求实O' let me, true in love, but truly write

这些画按原尺寸描摹了出来。They were sketched out full size on paper.

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花园、房屋、宴会、服饰、动物和船只都被描摹得栩栩如生。Gardens, houses, feasts, clothes, animals and boats are lovingly portrayed.

重点会商PVP对纳米构造银地描摹地影响。Concentrate on discussing the PVP effect to silver nanometer structure shape appearance.

所以,真正的历史,又岂是史官们一两句话描摹的清楚的?It looks real and impersonal. So the fact of history is never the historiographer's notes.

所以,真正的历史,又岂是史官们一两句话描摹的清楚的?Therefore, to depict real history, how can historiographers use several words to make it clear?

此外,除了一张黑白照片可供描摹,他不知道波尔布特是什么模样。Besides, he had no idea what Pol Pot looked like, and only a black-and-white photograph to copy.

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所以,真正的历史,又岂是史官们一两句话描摹的清楚的?Therefore, as to the true history, no historiographer could depict it clearly within one or two words.

说的更明确一点,在你用贝赛线钢笔工具手工描摹你的线稿的时候,要留神。More specifically, take care while converting your scanned image manually with a Bezier based pen tool.

传统散文重在对客观世界的描摹和对读者的“教化”。Traditionally, prose lays emphasis on the description of the objective world and didactical instructions.

她没给我一句警示的话,就给了我碳纸,让我把草图描摹到一块10英寸长、12英寸宽的板子上。And without a word of warning she handed me carbon paper to transfer my sketch onto a 10-by-12-inch board.

说的更明确一点,在你用贝赛线钢笔东西手工描摹你的线稿的时辰,要留神。More specifically, take care whellole converting your scanned image manually with a Bezier based pen tool.

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像“如一汪秋水”还有“剪水秋瞳”这样的成语都被用来描摹美目。Phrases "Like Autumn water" and "autumn moiré" have historically been used to describe the beauty of eyes.

描摹夕阳拉长的影子,梦里,我笔尖的少年,停在路的那端,将悲伤轻轻流转。Describe the elongated shadow of dreams, my pen, juvenile, stopped at the end of the road, sorrow gently flow.

相反,该项工作描摹了一个可以在培养皿中研究生殖细胞发展的各个方面的系统。Rather, the work describes a system in which various aspects of germ cell development can be studied in a dish.

古体的大字描摹的是一个正面站立,岔开两脚张开双手的人的形象。The ancient character for the word "big" described a man standing facing the front, with feet and hands wide open.

现在我们要开始描摹正面的前板,使用钢笔工具来描绘下图指示区域。We will now start tracing the Front Face of the panel, use the Pen Tool to trace the part shown in the image below.

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在“悲”与“壮”的对照描述中,历史的“悲”是它本身所呈现的痛切伤痕,也是作品阔大的幕布,而英雄的“壮”则是着力描摹的重点。The historical"sadness"is the broad setting of his novels while the heroic and stirring deed is the core of his literary works.

当你描摹纳菲尔蒂蒂王后或是克利欧佩特拉这样的古埃及美人时,一定无法忽略她们眉头那夸张的黑色眼妆。When you picture ancient Egyptian beauties such as Queen Nefertiti or Cleopatra, they’re probably wearing dramatic black eyeliner.

当你描摹纳菲尔蒂蒂王后或是克利欧佩特拉这样的古埃及美人时,一定无法忽略她们眉头那夸张的黑色眼妆。When you picture ancient Egyptian beauties such as Queen Nefertiti or Cleopatra, they're probably wearing dramatic black eye liner.